Ban Dispute (Quadruple J)

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Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Quadruple J
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Months

Your Steam Name: lenn / BEASTKILL6RNL
Your Roleplay Name: lenndrik doe
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:426436177

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: / Extended for 2.6, 3.2 - User used third-party communication software to communicate in-character information over discord. User Knew that metagaming was occurring in the discord and failed to report it

Why should this appeal be considered?: i'm developer of the discord server you can check it here '''' i never encouraged meta gaming and i never did it myself i warned my org in announcments multiple times to stop meta gaming because eventully the admins would do somthing well thats what happend but i have no clue why i have got banned because first of all i was in the voice chat to ask if someone wanted to play crsed and eliteplus which is a other darkrp server since i still was banned for 3 week which brings me to reason 2 i am litterly banned so what meta gaming should i do i have accses to all logs because im a developer i can have a alibi for myself and for rafael sanders we both dident do anything frong if you will join the discord server you will see its not focused on meta gaming its just for statics that people abuse it is not my fault and i dont know why i got a ban for not reporting those people since the few times i was in the calls i asked to play a other server or game and most times when i joined most where deafen / muted santiago was to only one really talking back for the times i joined i will show you everything i deleted nothing as the logs will proof so you can read all chats i am able to join ts aswell but i really dident do anything to we can further discuss this i just wanna proof i dident meta game in any way possible what i will say is that i private called deandre while banned a few times to ask him to watch screenshare i muted myself while calling him and that was for no other reason then missing the server this is just redicilous and i will proof it that i dident do anything which my org can confirm

Additional Information: i really did not anything i will proof everything in ts and the discord server itself the link itself i will proof it all
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just one thing i wanna add if you join the discord server you will see its mainly build around helping people and alot of roles
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