Ban Dispute (SamSN)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute
Which staff member issued the punishment?: SamSN
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 3 Days

Your Steam Name: Xeronise
Your Roleplay Name: Amy Hustle
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:52192104

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 3.4 - User made no effort to hide after committing multiple murders, resulting in him killing another Officer which could have been totally avoidable

Why should this appeal be considered?: This situation started by robbing the bank and fleeing after killing all of the police, I fled in a car I borrowed from a friend so I wanted to go back to the bazaar and return the vehicle, after I parked the car there was a lot of people around the area which were talking and "rping" so I joined in and was talking to them, it seemed like all of the police were dead so I knew I had a few minutes to RP before I had to flee. I noticed after a minute that there was a police officer in a car right next to me, definitely within earshot and also could definitely see my weapon on my back, I proceeded to gunpoint him and tell him to get out of the car, as I was doing this I realized that he was doing something else entirely and didn't even know I was there, but at that point, it was too late to back out, I had to commit to the play and kill him, I even hesitated when shooting him as I knew it was a shitty situation and in hindsight, I wouldn't have done so and just left instead, but at the time I had no way of knowing he didn't see me.

I understand that I should have immediately left the area and went to go hide for the next 30 minutes but that's not exactly what people come on to Perp for, I saw people talking and joined in. I feel like the way I went with this situation it was clear that I had no intention of breaking the rules and didn't try to minge around or purposefully kill/bait police, there shouldn't have been any police alive at that time as I didn't consider the giant pussy that is Callum Byford.

Now onto the actual punishment, Mina said in the f6:
"After speaking with multiple other staff members, we deiced due to you being a long-term player and due to your record, to ban you for 3 days."

This is my entire punishment history showing all of them which includes only two 3.4 punishments, both of which were in 2020, I haven't been punished for 3.4 in a very long time while actively playing clearly showing I don't break this rule on purpose and I'm not some mingy player, it was an unfortunate situation that I would have avoided in hindsight, I don't feel this punishment is fair at all.


While I understand your effort to fit in and hide from pursuit, the issue here is that you engaged the Officer with no clear benefit to yourself. You had every opportunity to continue to hide and even drive off. The Officer was not aware of your presence and therefore killing him only increased the risk to your life, with again, no benefit.
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