Ban Dispute (Sindarin)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Sindarin
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 3 Days

Your Steam Name: Lengend ep
Your Roleplay Name: Jerry Koney
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:229308242

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 2.5, 3.4 - User was defending his apartment with no visible drugs from the front door, when he pushed out he saw a cop on the stairs and gunned them down for no reason, causing a massive shootout due to police response and him KOSing all responding officers.

Why should this appeal be considered?: This appeal should be considered because, the cop did not announce himself, this is a violation of PLPD policy. This police was in a position where he would be able to kill A guy who would peek him. The argument made against me was that I could've ran back into the apartment instead of killing the guy due to my reflexes. This is A very dumb argument now that I look at it again because, he just saw a guy point a gun at him without seeing A single raider. This would've resulted in my death if this were to happen because the cop would be able to shoot me.

Please could you provide some sort of evidence. The demo that would cover the situation is perpheads_demo_2024-1-20 12-40-40, refer to this guide when locating and uploading it. Do so within 24 hours.

Please could you provide some sort of evidence. The demo that would cover the situation is perpheads_demo_2024-1-20 12-40-40, refer to this guide when locating and uploading it. Do so within 24 hours.
The demo is already uploaded on SCAM Bans, was going to dig into this later on.

Given that the police did not announce themselves and a raider was also still alive, it is understood why you shot imminently as reflex. Had the police announced themselves then this would've been a different outcome and shooting the police would've been disproportionate however we fail to see any wrongdoing on your end so your ban will be lifted.

@flugs @A1L
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