Ban Dispute (Tilin)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Tilin
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 3 Weeks

Your Steam Name: just a guy
Your Roleplay Name: Hawk Tuah
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:815784911

Why were you punished?: 2.5, 3.20 - Killed a user they scammed, failed to respond in F6 that was opened with them and disconnected. Ban will be lowered if user decides to return the money they scammed for.

Why should this appeal be considered?: Scamming is allowed on the server, this being said I scammed someone for $108,000. I scammed the player by being sent the money via bank transfer. I then acted like I did not receive the money and that I had accidentally sent him the wrong bank number. My friend walks up after overhearing the entire thing and says "Oh my god someone just banked me $100k", after my friend said this he began to run from storage to jennifers I follow behind him immediately unholstering my weapon saying "mate you have to give that back". The guy we scammed points a gun at my friend saying you have to give the money back, I then take a left hiding behind the corner right next to storage. At this point he has gun pointed my friend and chased him down threatening to kill him, with my gun unholstered behind the corner I aim down sights and prepare for him to come around the corner, knowing he has threatened my friend and gunpointed him after my gun has already been unholstered I shoot him when he comes around the corner and flee the scene. 30 minutes pass and I do not believe I have been added to an F6 (I was eating dinner I may have not heard the notification sound.) I decide I have been on for a couple of hours and decide to get off. I do not think the admin made a bad judgement considering I was not available to defend myself during the sit. I just believe if I were able to tell the admin the real situation things would've gone differently. I would love to play again and believe 3 weeks is a bit harsh for what I did I still do not believe I broke a rule.

Additional Information: I am willing to return the money if there was foul play involved, otherwise I would like to be unbanned. This is not an apology this is an appeal I have not broken a rule.

Yes. Scamming is allowed, but without the intention of killing the person you scammed.

According to your "friend" you were not really friends, which they stated in an F6 I opened with them: "He was just a guy I gave a ride to". From the sound of it, they did not affiliate with you.

Yes. Scamming is allowed, but without the intention of killing the person you scammed.

According to your "friend" you were not really friends, which they stated in an F6 I opened with them: "He was just a guy I gave a ride to". From the sound of it, they did not affiliate with you.
My intentions were not to kill the victim however that is what it came to, I rode around with the guy for 30+ minutes and even had a base we were staying at, demos are available to confirm this. Even if the guy was not my friend at the end of the day I still had my gun out first and unholstered and then was gunpointed by the player, this should warrant me being able to defend myself. I encourage you to take a look at the evidence attached to this thread. (3 Weeks is also a bit harsh given the entire situation.)
I understand that fully and I'll leave it to the staff members who deal with this dispute to decide.

Meanwhile, I suggest you provide the demo, which proves your affiliation with the other player.

3 Weeks is also a bit harsh given the entire situation.
This was only done to discourage not returning the money, as written in the reason, as any reasonable person would've known that they could've made a lot more than that in 3 weeks.
I understand that fully and I'll leave it to the staff members who deal with this dispute to decide.

Meanwhile, I suggest you provide the demo, which proves your affiliation with the other player.

This was only done to discourage not returning the money, as written in the reason, as any reasonable person would've known that they could've made a lot more than that in 3 weeks.
Understood if I have the demo I will provide it, However my affiliation with the player should not matter at this point considering my last statement "Even if the guy was not my friend at the end of the day I still had my gun out first and unholstered and then was gunpointed by the player, this should warrant me being able to defend myself.". I am not ignorant to the fact that you only had the voice of one side during the F6 so it was probably hard to make a judgement, however I do believe I was wrongly punished.
Like I said I am not knowledgeable on the rules or the server, I am rather new in general. I am open to being criticized and told where I was wrong, I am still willing to return the money if done so. However at this point I believe I am still in the right and no wrong doing has taken place.
Guys, I would love to play considering this ban was completely false
:confused: I researched the rules I was completely within the confine of the M.O.T.D..
Can I at least get a response this is getting ridiculous.
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