Ban Dispute (Travis, SamSN)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Travis, SamSN
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Months

Your Steam Name: AWasteOfTime
Your Roleplay Name: Marilyn Chance(I think i have no idea)
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:95161896

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 1.2,1.4, 3.1 - User named himself a racial slur twice then continued trolling. You may make a ban appeal if you are ready to play seriously.

Why should this appeal be considered?: So i wanted to repeat his again because i am not really ok with this. My ban apology got denied because my inability to be a respectable member on the server and that my "attempted ban evasion" was also seen as a sign of me simply ignoring my wrongdoings and spiting the administration team. They also said "We do not think you have demonstrated the attitude expected of you to play on this server as this point of time.". I am in dispute with this. My first racial slur as a name was a joke and i expected the game to have a anti racial slur system that would just block the name but i see it does not have that unfortunatelly. You can also see some more information about that in my second ban apology. Saying that i am not able to be a respectable server member and that i am not able to play this server with that attitude is all wrong. As i already said in my ban apology my names that i tried to make where NEVER and i repeat NEVER ment as any kind of disrespect or any kind of harm. I thought ALL that time and i repeat once again ALL THAT TIME that my names were good and good enough to be used in a server. I just never knew and i was never told that i should have used a real life kind of name and that is why i used those names. I also dont like it that my ban is changed from 2 weeks to 2 months which is INSANE!!! My "Atempted ban evasion" was not ment as an evasion but as a test and also because my friends told me to se if they did any kind of IP ban which i was also curious about. If i was able to join the server i would've not stayed long and i would've never done any harm with that account. I hope this clarifies a bit with everything that was going on. I also told this but if you need any more infomation or details pls tell me so i can tell more.

Additional Information: I also dont like it that the 2 times that i got banned that i never was able to go into discussion. I was just banned out of nowhere.

Firstly, You're admitting the breaching 1.2 Discrimination. When first joining the server, you are asked to read the rules where a pop-up also appears. This shows that you just scrolled through it without a care in the world.

Secondly, Your excuse for Attempted Ban Evasion is a joke. You wanted to "Test [if you could join on an ALT Account]" which also admits that you were wanting to ban evade.

Your ban was extended for this Attempted Ban Evasion, To my understanding. You were also given numerous chances to change your name and after 2 name changes, you should surely get the hint that the names you were choosing were not in-line with the rules. The ban was re-instated after you breached the server rules not even 10 minutes after re-joining.

You also have apologised for your actions, thus admitting you were in the wrong, Now you're disputing it? You may not dispute the length of the ban, If you are unhappy with the length then go ahead and make a staff complaint.

Reviewed with @Madda.
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