Ban Dispute

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Reaction score
Appealing for: Ban
Appeal type: Dispute
Which staff member banned you: McGlinchy
How long were you banned for: 1 day

Your Steam Name
: [-Core-] Daan
Your In-game Name: Lucius Husky
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:54498132
Why were you banned/blacklisted: posting porn in OOC
Why should this appeal be considered: First of all. I did not mean to post it in OOC but in adverts. Second of all its not real porn. Its a stuffed animal thats not real and I did not expect it would be this big of a problem. I really dont understand why i was banned immediatly and not spoken to first or something. I got dared afterall. If I knew it wasnt allowed I wouldnt have done it. I maybe get that im not allowed to join for a day anymore but I'd like my ban removed of my record after. This is not reasonable in my eyes after not received a warning. As i said I wouldnt have dont it If i knew it wasnt allowed. But as it was an accident. And i wasnt spoken to but immediatly banned I think its unreasonable.

Its not even a dick... its more like a tongue.

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