Ban Disputes and Ban Apologies

Reaction score
Kentucky, United States of America
When Ban Disputes and Ban Apologies get posted people who wasn't apart of it flock to it just to mark it dumb, and leave comments that didn't help in the first place. I have posted a Ban Dispute and a Ban Apology before and once again people just mark it dumb not even looking in to it. I feel that it may or may not influence the people who have the final say. So I think if your going to leave a comment you should be helping the person out not trying to shut them down. Especially if what they did wasn't even serious. The whole point of a Dispute and an Apology is to give the player a second chance. But with all of the irrelevant comments only make it harder.
Firstly the final decision is not being affected by other people.
Now people that reply to your ban appeal while they do not have anything to do with the situation are breaking the forum rule 2.4 and you can report them for that. About the ratings... Well, we cannot do anything about them but if you believe that people abuse the feature you can report them for 2.5.
The verdict of the staff member(s) dealing with the appeal is nonpartial. The amount of different kinds of ratings reflect the community's opinion, if you think someone is abusing this system, report them.

A staff member recently displayed the amount of disagree ratings on an appeal when coming to a verdict. This doesn't mean that the staff member's verdict was influenced by the amount of ratings, as the users rating the appeal can easily be biased/misinformed/etc. They are still allowed to have an opinion which they can display through the rating system. Whether it be they agree with the content or find it to be dumb. Yet again, if you think someone abuses it, report them.