my dispute: a footnote

fun fact; I quoted a rule and said that I would adhere to the rules that exist on the server as you can see by rule 2.6, if you don't understand why I wish to adhere to it you shouldn't be playing on the server, but obviously you most likely do, and if I wish to follow a player around because I feel like he will cause mayhem on the server by his reckless behaviour why shouldn't I?

As you say yourself; I feel like he violates a rule I will report him for it, great that you bring it up.

Of course I'll blame the fucking player for even crying about this shit, it's such a fucking dick move and it's super idiotic.
@Sorle nah im not on any body team but i still find it stupid that he got banned for IA thing. I just found it funny that he qoutes the rule then threatnen somebody wich then he breaks the rule xD



nothing offends me less than that, go fuck a goat or something disgusting furry