Ban Request / Bean Can

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Awp.exe / Sebastian Falcone

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Bean Can / ???

His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:61173726

Why Should This Player Be Punished:

  • 2.1/Play Realistically= I was told by a Sergeant that there was an explosion at the city hall water fountain, Naturally, I responded. I came to a man who's car was blown up. Note that my car was parked next to the side walk with emergency lights and sirens indicating, that of course, It's an emergency!. Instead of dealing with the mans broken car he thought he would have been funny to hook my car and make me run after it. Once my car was brought to the Road-crew station I explained to him that I had lights and sirens but he refused to listen. A user named Arron Faith/ Arron Cursed was with him inside of the tow truck, He recommended to close the gate because it was getting "Chilly". Normally, there is no problem with this however my car was in the middle of the gateway and everyone had this in mind.
  • In general, I don't feel like this player is on this server to role-play, I've seen him being a constant minge and something has to be done about it. After an server administrator had seen it happen, the player said it was "Banter", of course the administrator had some common sense and knew that not everyone wanted to be apart of this. Banter is not an excuse for rule-breaking.
  • EDIT: I forgot to mention that on my way out the door he ran me over on purpose, He also had hit the NPC with his car.

Evidence (Demo Required): (Being Uploaded)

Would like to point out: I was in this situation and that alone is why I am posting here. Not because Bean is a friend.

Bean is actually a pretty decent role player and in the server during peak times he is great. At night most people just fuck around. That being said; He should of never of played around like that without you being in on the fun. He should of been respectful to your wish to role play whiles we all just had some fun.

What bean done was mostly out of excitement of bantering with others and I feel that giving him the benefit of the doubt would be a better idea instead of the BR, I do however believe he should make a formal apology to you and others that were involved that wanted to role play.

I'm not saying this because I like bean. I am saying this because I feel you are being to harsh on one person during a time where most people were just playing around. If bean done this at any other time of the day I would of supported this. But just now I am going to go ahead and stay neutral with hopes that you could forgive him for messing around on the empty server.

Ban request closed,

I dealt with this when it happened, as soon as Bean realized you did not want to participate he stopped. I feel no further action is needed to be taken. I think Bean just needs to remember that even though it's extremely late, some people are still roleplaying.
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