Ban Request "Evil" (Victor Belinsky)

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Great Britain
Your Steam/In-game Name: Allen (Jaqueline Kennedy)
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Evil (Victor Belinsky)
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:19490979
Reason: FearRP, in the evidence shown, I have my gun at the body of Victor, while his is pointing away, he then pulls it up and shoots me.

I would also like the mp5 and m9 I lost back thank you.
+ support,
He went from passive stance to attack stance while under clear gunpoint and no reasonable chance of winning (just because deagles 1 bang doesn't give him a chance). I don't know what you said in the demo but it must be something like "Get down" which he didn't and stared at you and pulled up hi's gun.
+Support. Well 'm not really needed to support as this will probaly get through, but as the postwhore i am. He obivously broke the rules by turning around and shooting you, there also was a witness who could easily run away and call the cops.
-Support, this is more a failure from your part than his. You had a choice, risk your life or call 911, sadly you choosed to risk your life.

The moment you walked into the bathroom and decided to take the law in your own hand by pulling your mp5 out, That moment is just a pain to watch. Not only are you risking your very own life by going in there your also risking kamil's life as well, which is even worse. He had that gun up first which means that when you saw that gun being swung around in the room in that moment you became his more or less his peasant. What you should have done is to call the police as soon as you had any evidence of Viktor "using his gun in public". There for i've chosen to -Support
From a neutral standpoint I will give my opinion on this situation. Evil's Deagle was never in Passive Mode it was always in Attack Stance. As seen here:



Attack Stance


Attack Stance (in aim)


Pictures 2 & 3 are directly applicable for the situation.

Secondly, as defined in Rule 3.4 :

Players must at all times act realistically, meaning that any actions taken that may put a player’s In-Character life, freedom from imprisonment and/or general wellbeing at risk must be done so in a realistic fashion
In this particular situation it was in Evil's Character's best interest (for his own life's preservation) to turn around and keep his Deagle poised at your face, this is proven and justified by the facthe lived and you died.
Evil didn't do anything wrong here, he never switched from passive to attack stance, he was already in attack stance. Also 3.4 dosent corrospond to "FearRP." If anything, what Evil did was preserve his life to the best of his ability.
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