Ban request - Google / Brandon Lloyd

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Your Steam/In-game Name: mundl/Mundl Sackbauer
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Google/Brandon Lloyd
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:80095361
Reason: First he runs up to me, all of the sudden assaulting me with a baseball bat (right infront of the hospital out in the public, theres even been some officers at the entrace), which was completely random and reasonless (still im not sure why he screamed "RDM RDM" in OOC after i shot him for my self defense, as it doesnt feel so good getting a baseball bat to the hat). Afterwards at the fuel station, I once punched his car and he decided to kill me. If we are talking about "doing this in reallife", i also dont see a point how that could be any realistic move. -- Fact is hes been random hitting me and in the end random killing me. Your actions should be realistic, and killing someone for punching your car isnt the smartest way (cold blooded murder, would he actually risk going to jail, especially for such a truely ridiculous thing? Would he even shoot me at all?) Tho this guy attracted attention already for his miserable roleplay, especially as a chief. He pretends to have knowledge about the rules, which he clearly hasnt. But thats another pair of shoes...

Tick 37000

3bitzeret and 2 other admins (as far as i know) responded to my report, they should know whats going on or atleast got some vision into the case.
Hope you can respond!

Thanks for your time.

Thanks. If you combine my demo with your perspective, you can exclude his innocent.
Im also upset about him that hes been lying in the admin situation, as he turned the story to his advantage.

At first of all, lets start the reason i started to hit you with the bat was because your told me and my friend to 'fuck off' me and my friend then decided to take matters into our own hands, and start beating him up my friend ran into his car and drove off i was still left hitting when he shot me, i also then got revived as a medic and continued to rp for a bit and i then went to get fuel, he pulled up behind me and said 'UGLY' and then started punching my car, i thought that i recognised his face from earlier which i was correct and shot him. and amanda you wasn't there at the time when i shot him. - Google / Brandon Lloyd
And you also need to consider that my character is a biker, and he would be very angry if that happend. -Google
Google said:
At first of all, lets start the reason i started to hit you with the bat was because your told me and my friend to 'fuck off' me and my friend then decided to take matters into our own hands, and start beating him up my friend ran into his car and drove off i was still left hitting when he shot me, i also then got revived as a medic and continued to rp for a bit and i then went to get fuel, he pulled up behind me and said 'UGLY' and then started punching my car, i thought that i recognised his face from earlier which i was correct and shot him. and amanda you wasn't there at the time when i shot him. - Google / Brandon Lloyd
You hit him because he cussed at you?
Google said:
And you also need to consider that my character is a biker, and he would be very angry if that happend. -Google
Normaly bikers in an organization follow strict rules so killing someone for this bullshit could bring you in trouble.
First of all the reason, why he was swearing at me and taunting me was because he didn't like my actions as chief, and every time that i got into a RP situation he would always say stop im calling a admin(and he would stop the roleplay) (but also every time the admin came they said there was nothing wrong with what i was doing), which is a clear break of a rule, he then also broke NLR and Meta in remembering my name as when i quit the job that is when he started taunting me. If you saw a biker in real life, you would probably notice that he is probably really high or intoxicated, and by taunting him his actions may be a-lot more serious than it would be if he wasn't intoxicated. - Google

-I will be more than happy to make up a file full of demos of him and his org breaking the rules

EDIT: You also didn't make a realistic action when you shot me first, you should of run away and called the cops.
Please stop making so my consecutive posts. From my point of view, having been roleplaying when this occurred, is Google, it was a bit of a random thing to do. As babe said, Bikers actually follow strict rules, with many actually being some sort of charity. You wouldn't get a bat from your car and beat someone with your insignia on your back, it'd harm your reputation.

Meh. Just my point of view.
I think that neither of us should get punished as we both broke the same rules, and this is put behind us.
LOL no we're not just gonna put this behind us. You dont even understand what youve done wrong, nor THAT youve done something wrong.

This isnt simply postponed by saying
"I think that neither of us should get punished as we both broke the same rules, and this is put behind us."

I havent done anything wrong. You should provide a demo (unless you are hiding something) so we can hear what i talked and see the situation from your side.

From the demo it seems Google randomly started to beat Dimitri with a baseball bat, even though 6 government employees were present (1 medic, 2 roadcrew,and 3 police) and many citizens. As we can not hear Dimitri's microphone I can not tell if he told you to 'fuck off', but even if he did it is not an adequate reason to assault somebody in the middle of a highly populated area. As well as this, the shooting of Google was also carried out unrealistically, law 7.1 states "If a person is physically attacked by another member of the public, the victim may use the minimal amount of force necessary to allow themselves to escape and/or hide until law-enforcement personnel arrive to assist.". Shooting Google was not using the minimal amount of force as he had a baseball bat therefore you had the chance to run across the road to the 3 police officers and it could have been dealt with properly. When you pulled the firearm out you could have threatened Google with it and he would have no choice but to follow your orders.
At the gas station, I can not see what benefit Google would get from killing Dimitri, therefore I believe his death was unnecessary. If you can tell me the benefits of killing Dimitri then please do, but it seems the drawbacks outweigh the benefits therefore you should not have killed him.

As I was in fear of my life AND in panic I took fire and killed him. I then tried to escape since the cops would have a reason to take my weapon and even take me to jail - possession of illegal weaponry and suspicion of murder (of course he would turn the story to his advantage when talking to the cops, also the numbers stood bad for me as i carried a small firearm and he just a baseball bat).

At the gas station, I can not see what benefit Google would get from killing Dimitri, therefore I believe his death was unnecessary. If you can tell me the benefits of killing Dimitri then please do, but it seems the drawbacks outweigh the benefits therefore you should not have killed him.
You are actually meant to explain your benefits of killing me...
There was not any real benefits but to get my revenge on him for what happened earlier.
Google said:
At first of all, lets start the reason i started to hit you with the bat was because your told me and my friend to 'fuck off' me and my friend then decided to take matters into our own hands, and start beating him up my friend ran into his car and drove off i was still left hitting when he shot me, i also then got revived as a medic and continued to rp for a bit and i then went to get fuel, he pulled up behind me and said 'UGLY' and then started punching my car, i thought that i recognised his face from earlier which i was correct and shot him. and amanda you wasn't there at the time when i shot him. - Google / Brandon Lloyd
I clap at your maturity, your a disgrace to the title "Google".
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