Ban Request - Lewis Doman

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Your Steam/In-game Name: GET HYPER / Mundl Sackbauer
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: [PH] MrLewis122 / Lewis Doman
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:67145457
Reason: 6.4 and 3.3 - attempting to mug me in the hospital, with a knife. Infront of all the NPCs in the public setting.
Begins at tick 52000 - He keeps stabbing against walls and props in his store, then talks about mugging somebody, i show up and he follows me from city shops to hospital, soon he decides to mug me in there.

He has already done that not too long ago (few days ago, rule 6.4 aswell), mugging me infront of an NPC (storage/public), judged by Rutger

I instantly did a report as to see in the demo, Rutger clearly told Lewis about 6.4 and suggested me to do this ban request.

Also i think its sad for somebody applying for enforcer and yet keeping on the SAME rule violation...

Thanks for your time,
Okay so...
What would me and a few friends have to lead to me getting warned or banned for this? When i came up to you and /me draws man you tried to make me stop.. to no prevail you then called me a "faggot" then punched me breaking 6.4 as the medic would of called security then you would of been questioned you also aggravated me as you kept on pushing me. I'll admit that i was not whispering when i called you over (Im just a loud person in general, many people will know this) however if you'd of just came over and not ran away whilst you were at knifepoint then this wouldn't of happened. I Do however want to apolagise about our past.. I Have tried to apolagise but you wanted none of it.
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