[Ban Request] Liam (Breaking rule 1.1)

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Hi there, I am going to keep this short because I think the images pretty much show what I need to say about this certain individual.

Your Steam/In-game Name:
Zan116 - Zack Robberts

His/Her Steam/In-game Name:

Liam - N/A

His/Her SteamID:


Why Should This Player Be Punished:

In the images shown below, the user (Liam) has clearly broken rule 1.1 (disrespect)... I do not know Liam nor have been involved in a situation/conversation with him, I believe he did this out of sheer hatred towards people.

Evidence (Demo Required):

I do not believe a demo is necessarily required but if it is, I will post it.


Not needed.
Thank-you for reading. I understand that this isn't a massive rule to break but I thought it was worth reporting.

You asked that question atleast 3 times that day, I already answered the question for you once. I wouldn't seriously violate 1.1 in an OOC chat box. It was banter. If you aren't taking it as banter, I only violated 1.1 once, with the following sentence:

"I replied once stfu you annoying prick"

Now really, I should of displayed more that I didn't mean it in a harmful way with a simple 'xD' or a 'lol' or I should of stated that I was joking. When it comes to the bit where I say, kill yourself. I was being purely banteruous. It was me messing about with you, displaying how annoying it is that you ask that question. Through a 'joke'.

1.1 ban requests are pathetic, pure hatrid? I have no grudge against any member of the community. Including yourself.

Infact you are the one with the grudge displaying that ICly. Which I don't really mind, I have a mature way of thinking, unlike yourself. Anyway, goodluck with the ban request.
Quick Note

I'd like to throw this out there, banter isn't your "Get Out of Jail Free" card from the 1.1 rule, if someone makes a warning/ban request on a 1.1 rule breakage we will take it seriously. I'm also going to note that if you know people who like banter, go ahead. I'm not saying that banter is a bad thing, but if someone posts a ban request on you if it's just banter or not it's on your head, and we will judge it accordingly.​
I understand where you're coming from. But most people know I'm a banterous person. A punishement is to make sure someone know's what they've broken and to make sure they don't do it again. If you don't want me to be banterious towards childeren, it's simple; I won't. I know what may have been taken disrespectful, apologizies for that. But nothing was meant serious.

1.1 is a flat out rule yes and many of us have broken it on occasion, there is no one on the server that has not broke it at least once. Yeah Liam is hot headed but that's why we love him right? Regardless, he's apologised and I think at most a 1.1 like this should be a warning not a ban, I mean a ban over this is a little much in my opinion.
- Support, Like Krinkles said, Liam is hotheaded and he apologised, Warning most. In my opinion 1.1 should be altered to where it's only a ban if a DDOS or family is mentioned.
-/+ Nuetral
I do really feel this was not really needed at all. I know you have said sorry and all but still, i really do take this kinda stuff seriously even if you are my friend or not i really have to put down my opinion. Maybe not a ban is needed but that is maybe set down from your other bans and warnings but maybe a warning would do the thing for this case. These kinda words were really harmfull and i wouldn't be that happy if someone were using these kinda words again me, but this is my opinion and i hope you do really learn from this Liam. Yeah i will put down my -/+ Nuetral because i don't really think a ban will do this but maybe a warning would be enough.

Also as I'd like to say Zan.

You say you've had a hard life and you're soft hearted this that, but you still break 1.1 and disrespect players yourself? Please don't be hypocritical you give what you get my friend.

Also a quote. From what Ash has given me:

"Zan STEAM_0:1:46619422 //Fuck the cops on this server"





Stop being so hypocritical.
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Honestly it could've been said in a much better way however I guess this was not the only reason Liam did say these kinds of things, I mean something could've happened
As much i can see, Liam was angry or something because he doesnt that.. Not random.

Lets bring it here;

Zan, if you really making a BR for 1.1 then you must be banned already. Oh wait, you was..once.

--- Im gonna quote a picture ---


If you are just calling people ''Idiot'' for breaking rules then you should better go to doctor, you know why?
You cant just insult every rulebreakers because there is too many of them :=)

Liam probably had a really tough reason to do that so im not thinking this is a fair Ban Request.


Note: This is all whatever i wrote is my opinion. Please respect my words, opinions and ideas. Thank you.
To be honest, this was just petty name calling, Liam has apologised, I do not know why you are blowing it out of proportion? Liam can no do anything other than apologize, nothing more or less.
Huge - support. You're clearly trying to piss liam off. He answered you, you kept on asking the same question. If it was me i'd be mad too. You're pissing him off to the edge.
Why would you tell him to go away after he is trying to help you?.. not very clever.
You don't have to say his name again.... Why would you bring up his name again? Trying to get another situation?. Maybe you were hopeing that he'd say fc*k you? Why do you annoy him? Leave Liam alone. He got mad for a reason.

Stop trying to make a situation out of nothing, if you can't handle the words. Words are words, they ain't hurting. Stop being butthurt.
I would like to point out that Liam has not officially apologised for what he said to me.

To all the people who have said "we have all broken 1.1 at some point" and "you have broken 1.1 too such as <example>", that in no way has an effect on whether Liam broke 1.1 too or whether or not I should have posted this ban request. Sure, I have broken 1.1 on multiple occasions but I was dealt with by Enforcers and Moderators about it, as-well as how I did not go to the extent where I call someone an " annoying little prick" or "go kill yourself". Liam was not properly dealt with after he said this despite there being multiple staff online at the time, thus I am creating this request, not so much for Liam to be banned, more for staff to be aware of what he has done for future reference.

We all have our bad days, agreed, but it's not a reason to break the first rule implemented on the server. If Liam had formerly apologised when I told him I was going to create this thread rather than saying " go ahead and do it" (or something), I would not be sat here writing this response. Again, not all ban requests come out with bans, many come out with alerts and warnings which is for staff to decide.

Edit - do not diss my spelling skills, it is harder on mobile. :)
I don't understand why people keep quoting Zan in his past of breaking 1.1? Just because he has broken the rule, does not mean he cannot report someone else about it?

Also i personally support the ban request. Well, not a ban, but a warning. It literally went from zan asking if someone had a certain type of car, to liam telling him to suck his dick, and go kill himself and calling him and annoying little prick. I personally feel that he took it too far, and either a verbal warning or a proper warning (depending on previous warning against the rule) should be given.
He used 'having a hard life' 'being emotional' as an excuse for taking it to heart. Where, he breaks 1.1 on a regular basis from the looks of it?

Sorry but from what I see, you have a personal grudge against me. For what? I don't know
Seems like someone has forgotten that they're no longer in the 'banter'box.

It is way too obvious that Liam broke 1.1, first by calling Zan an annoying prick, then (if you want to stretch it a bit) by calling him a homosexual, and last but not least, telling Zan to kill himself.
Now, let's just look at that very last one. Liam told Zan to kill himself, and you guys still say that "meh it's only banter" or "he apologized". Telling someone to kill themselves is one of the worst things you can do, unlike what Billy thinks (who also got a ban request for 1.1, mind-blowingly enough):
In my opinion 1.1 should be altered to where it's only a ban if a DDOS or family is mentioned.

The 1.1 rule is good, and like the rule says itself:
"Disrespectful behaviour, in its broadest sense, is not acceptable"

If you guys really think that Zan is being hypocritical just before he also broke 1.1 himself before, then why don't you go and make a ban request? It's as simple as that. The fact that Zan already broke 1.1 himself, without any form of relevance to this case, is not a valid excuse for Liam to be as disrespectful as he was.

And like Murtsley said, it's not a 'get out of jail free'-card by saying it's banter, or that it wasn't serious.

Liam broke 1.1, and out of the -supports I see here, only one of them should be considered slightly valid. No matter how many times 1.1 is broken, its importance does not decrease, as it is still a rule that needs to be enforced.
No matter how Liam was pissed during this (which may have been due to something completely irrelevant to this case), it is no excuse. It is still his own responsibility to not break the rules, and if he was provoked earlier on, he should've left the server, rather than be disrespectful in OOC. It's along the lines of what Sugavi did, being under the influence (i.e. high and/or drunk). What was one of the responses to his ban apology?
Don't join perp while being drunk, problem solved. -support

And honestly, the same could be applied here. Don't play PERP while angry/pissed.

I support the ban request, but mostly for a warning rather than a ban.
Yes, Liam broke 1.1.
Yes, everyone is breaking 1.1.
No, that's not a good thing.
No, the rule shouldn't be ignored.

The rule shouldn't be altered like some suggestion, you should handle it like (hopefully) in Real-Life. Tell the person that you felt offended and ask him to stop. He doesn't stop? Then go on and do a BR or get authorities whatever. I know that Liam is a huge wanker sometimes, probably because he's mexican (ily) but he normally doesn't intend to offend you.

Just hug and get over it, this isn't worth the time you guys are wasting.
Aplogizies to @Zan116 if I offended you in anyway as I wasn't mean to. I just feel that you need to lighten up a tiny bit, people who like to have a joke tend to get a long with most people. As I like jokes, maybe it seems a bit far for a joke. Wasn't mean to be.

I'll take my banter down a notch to people who I know have a sense of humor, like @Pear you dirty mongolion scrub

Why all this fuzz about breaking 1.1?
People do it all the time and it sure as hell doesn't deserve a Ban Request.
Liam even apologized...

Tell Liam to never do it again and let it go.
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