Ban Request on Andii

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Reaction score
Your Steam/In-game Name: [EBBZC]-=Bilbo Swaggins=- Ebbe Kvisthector

His/Her Steam/In-game Name:
N/A Andii Millheimerian@Millheimer

His/Her SteamID:

Why Should This Player Be Punished:
First of all i wanna say sorry to @Garo.k for putting him in a bad spot. As you can see in the end of the video i say in OOC "Stop breaking FearRP Garo" and the reason being that Andii was driving in Garo's car, but since i dont know what they are wearing i thought it was Garo driving.

As you can see in the video, Andii comes over to the regal parking lot while in a raid. Andii had already been there and had run over multiple bodies earlier in the raid. I then point my gun at he's car and tell him to get out... He then proceeds to drive backwards onto the highway and down. As he backed out, there was even a cop behind him which IRL would make he's chances of escaping pretty small.

Be aware that for some reason the audio on the video is a bit ahead from the video, tho in the original clip i still say "Get out" before he starts to drive away.

Evidence (Demo Required):


EDIT: Also want to point out that he's attitude against me is generally really bad. I try to keep calm and talk to him calmly and i get in return:

"13 warnings 11 bans. Which are older than you bilbo"

"First of all why make a br over this little shitty thing mr kid"

I feel like this should be taken into consideration aswell since its 1.1
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First of all why make a br over this little shitty thing mr kid? This could have been solved Ingame. So here is my story. Yes i was there and killed several cops with garo but i didnt notice YOU or the other cops due to @MattIsMadForCod FPS guide because i cannot play without it or else ill lag like hell. Which will disable the flashlights and lower the lights ingame. And it was also dark ingame that time as you can see in the youtube video thats why i did not notice you cops or the guns. And i had very much adrenaline in my body while killing you cops so i was very stressed and tried to get away as fast as possible when i heard someone saying ''step out''. And do you really think someone would stop and get out when they are warranted for several murders on the cops and the swats in town? None would like to go in jail for 10 years tbh. Cant understand why people bother taking their time to make brs over a small thing who could have been solved ingame. Oh ye you want to be an enforcer thats why.
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You could've used battering ram instead of gun pointing him. I think he had a big chance of escape, even if you shot at him, he would've already been gone since a bugatti is amazingly fast.
IMO: So as I see it, he had a slight chance of escape, but knowing how to handle such a fast car he escaped after half a second. Also, you weren't too close to him. Maybe you were a little, but not too close. He came in rushing, saw you and reversed back out. I once did that, reported and still didn't get banned as I knew what to do and how to do it. Yes, he kinda broke 3.4, but he escaped in one piece.

In my opinion, he shouldn't get banned. Maybe a warning or nothing.

NOTE: This is in my opinion.
What I do not get is that if you know that it's nighttime, it's going to be dark and you are fighting of the police like a madman, why the hell would you use a FPS tweak that hides their flashlights, and even if you were unable to see him, why reverse in the first place like you did as you were clearly running from something.
The thing is I'm not sure about this, Andii has his flash-lights disabled , his car headlights were off and there's no way he could of seen it was an officer, the way you said Get out could of been a person that was not a police officer who wanted to steal Andii's Bugatti since people have forced me out my car and for them to drive it at the dead tree.

In my opinion what you should of said is "Paralake Police department step out!" not to mention you didn't have your flash-light on.
I think that it was either a fault on both sides or just a clear misunderstanding.
Posting my opinion here.

Okay, so Andii has killed some cops at regals and shows up in his bugatti to see whats happened now. He has his settings turned down for whatever reason, be it low fps or some other reason. He arrives and Bilbo shouts "Step out". After hearing this his first reaction is to reverse not seeing the officer. I understand how it could be seen as 3.4 however I think it was a heat of the moment type of situation, Without seeing anything his first reaction was to reverse and get away from the scene.
His foot was always on the gas, and I don't think someone who is driving forwards is constantly looking through his right window. As you were moving your weapon stance will have also not been clear as shown in the recording, not to mention that it was dark.
Andii's point of view(Taken off the demo)

As you can see, he can be seen looking at me as i say "Step out" and still continues to reverse out instead of stopping to preserve he's life. He could clearly see me, i mean, why else would he be looking at me?

So the thing about "but i didnt notice YOU or the other cops due to @MattIsMadForCod FPS guide" doesnt seem very true as you were looking right at me


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Just going to post here. Although I haven't always been 'friends' with Andii it seems that from his perspective it isn't the clearest of sights, seems that the gun you have is black, it's dark and your uniform is quite dark also. I think it's purely a matter of perspective here, he may not of saw you at that moment in time, I feel that once you said 'The Bugatti is back', I would have start leaving- which Andii eventually did.

I think punishing a player for such isn't the most easiest decision, however it's a matter of perspective and that I believe that Andii didn't break rules here, it's just a simple misunderstanding from my point of view.


you weren't near his window.


Hell, I can't even see what are you.

There's no 3.4 broken, He was at a "Safe" distance.

EDIT : Also the gun was pitch black, I personally couldn't see it, When you shouted " Step out of the car", Andii panicked, He didn't knew what to do.
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The bottom line is... before you issue him with any form of command, he's already accelerating backwards and the safest thing to do is continue doing so rather than stop where you may already start shooting in light of his reaction.

Being there myself as a SWAT Officer observing the situation before being called out again I was having trouble seeing the situation myself as well. The visibility was poor and even I could not see if you were pointing a gun at him clearly, and I had a sniper rifle pointed at you to observe your surroundings.​
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