Your Steam/In-game Name:Black Jesus/ Ryan Belinsky
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: IC Cop : Marc Milla, IC Civilian: ________ Florian, IC Medic Name: _________ ________
His/Her SteamID:
Reason: I feel these 3 players were using a 3rd party communication device. Its shown in the demo as the Chief, Marc Miller states that he was called by someone on the phone saying someone was being mugged. So only One Officer(Marc) arrives with a only one medic. I felt this was fishy immediately, as Marc did not say we killed someone. But he still called a Medic? Finally as shown in the clip the Medic locks Florian's car. Also Florian was constantly delaying. He said he didn't know how to roll, but yet he has an expensive car and in an org. He then released me an ran off, FailRP much.
Evidence: Demo :
* Names are in the demo but I can't open them because garry's mod is being weird.
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: IC Cop : Marc Milla, IC Civilian: ________ Florian, IC Medic Name: _________ ________
His/Her SteamID:
Reason: I feel these 3 players were using a 3rd party communication device. Its shown in the demo as the Chief, Marc Miller states that he was called by someone on the phone saying someone was being mugged. So only One Officer(Marc) arrives with a only one medic. I felt this was fishy immediately, as Marc did not say we killed someone. But he still called a Medic? Finally as shown in the clip the Medic locks Florian's car. Also Florian was constantly delaying. He said he didn't know how to roll, but yet he has an expensive car and in an org. He then released me an ran off, FailRP much.
Evidence: Demo :
* Names are in the demo but I can't open them because garry's mod is being weird.