Ban Request on Gix

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Your Steam/In-game Name: [PH] R4ndomDude / Katsumata Ashimura

His/Her Steam/In-game Name:
Gix / Unknown

His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:25936820

Why Should This Player Be Punished:
2.1, 2.5, 3.4 and 6.3: He shot me and my friend at the Jennifer's mirror upstairs without any warning or reason. I'm sure NPC's would've heard a gun from upstairs and called the police and they most likely would also have seen the gun on the back of this guy.

Evidence (Demo required):!MZs0nK7Q!I6Q6LzqO68A7Ab2Ddj9dYcsvPyUuGSJyqCYZSt8RnIU

Tick: Around 31000

Thanks for the video Riddle.

Addittional Comments: At this moment I was walking around with my friend. We're speaking a lot of danish so it might not be easy to understand but we only talk about cloth changes.
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There is not to much to the video. You walked upstairs in Jennifer and a man with a fully automatic weapon killed you for what ever reason. If he had one to begin with. What makes it worse is that he chose to kill you inside a store with people downstairs that could of easily heard the fully automatic weapons shots. They would of ran outside and called the cops. Not to mention they would of seen the face of the man with the weapon as he walked into the store.

I if they had no reason what so ever they would have broken the following rules: 2.5 3.4 and 6.3. Unless they have taken care of the npc's.

This rule is specifically relevant to the violation of any In-Character law, meaning that murders, thefts, etc, are all expected to be conducted realistically; - 3.4: The murder of you and your friend was not at all realistic in any way. Killing you inside of a shop instead of somewhere less public is completely unnecessary.

Generally speaking, players are not allowed to excessively negatively affect the experiences of other players while playing on the server. - 2.5: If it's true that he had no reason to kill you or even role-play the situation out, then he has negatively effected your experience whiles on this server.

NPCs must be treated as regular players, where possible; for example, if a player is using a firearm to mug another player within Burger King, the NPC that resides within Burger King should also be threatened and taken-into consideration. - 6.3:
If they did not take care of the npc's before coming upstairs, they have broken 6.3. The reasoning for this is: The person had a fully automatic weapon on his person (Back or hands) The npc would of ran outside right after they walked upstairs and shot you. Leaving witnesses to a crime.

Hope this helps mate.

From what the video shows he killed you in a place where there were 2 npcs who would have saw the gun and heard the shots. Not only that, there would have been people and shopping in Jennifers.

Even if he had a reason to kill you it should have not been done here, a better thing to would be to kidnap you and take you to somewhere such as the forest not blatently shoot you infront of Jenniers.

As Gix has failed to respond and explain his actions he will be banned from the server. There is no signs to show that he took care of the NPCs downstairs and they could've easily ran out of the store and just called the cops. Also he did not show any justification as to why he shot you and you were unarmed so therefore he broke 2.5.

The user will be banned for 3.4, 6.3, 2.5 and 2.1
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