Ban Request on goliathus

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Michael Boyle/Sdac2

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Grzechu Smith(might be different cant remember)/goliathus

His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:38947984

Why Should This Player Be Punished:
Pulling out a gun and shooting at me infront of the PD whilst loads of people around. Breaking 3.4 by failing to co-operate under gunpoint.

Evidence (Demo Required):


He clearly tried to kill you in a Heavily Populated area at that moment and then he breaks 3.18.
He didn't stop his car engine when he got rammed like that, I forgot the rule numbers but he broke it.
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Clearly tried to do physical harm/kill you in front of a highly populated area.
He then proceeded to pretty much deny gunpoint until you shot at his car.
Also not stopping your engine after a collision like that, silly. [ I got a warning for that shush ]

Well done for reporting this guy yah' fokin' deldo.
May I ask why he did it? Even if it was an extreme circumstance doing it in a populated area full of police is a violation of 3.4 unless it was some kind of extreme circumstance.

Hello Boyle! Thank you for making this ban request, I will deal with this later today, I just wish to put this down so that you know it will be dealt with, in the mean time, listen to some sweet elevator music
Doesnt 3.18 apply to this situation?
"While a player’s life is in immediate danger players must not use their storage boxes/trunks
avoid losing valuable items that the player is currently holding on their person."
He was in danger when he started shooting at the pd as there are cops there?

Anyways he clearly broke 3.4 +Support

Btw love that fucking accent.

User will be banned for a week for his actions, the user vilolated rule 3.4, 3.15 and 2.1 by not taking the car damages into consideration and also pulling a weapon at someone for such a small thing.
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