Ban Request on Jon Pendididietannnanna

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Reaction score
Not Sweden
Your Steam/In-game: Name:MrCupaCake[1weekban]/ Jay Henderson
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: John Doe/ Jon Pontoppidan
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:20840312

Why Should This Player Be Punished: Broke 3.4, 3.18 and 2.1
Evidence (Demo Required):

Tick:(My Demo is bugged out so I can't see it but I think you can see it)

[DOUBLEPOST=1432674555,1432674464][/DOUBLEPOST]Realized it don't show the 3.18 part...
+support, i saw it all happened, as he broke 3,18 and 3,4.

3,18: They were in a raid, Joe and his friend, as he took all the guns and depositing it into the trunk of his vehicle.

3,4: Jay had a gun pointed on Joe, as he turned around walking the opposite position, so he couldnt see the gun, he then drew his own gun and turned around again, shooting his fire-arm back to Jay, as he then died ( Joe died, by the way, not Jay. ).
Allright let me explain the whole situation.


If you watch from Tick: 68000 Then you can see me and my bud about to get some easy cash,
it does not turn out as we planned but that dosen't mather right now.
After the shoot out i run to me car. You can clearly see i have alot time.
I then switch to a bat to blend in the crowd at bazaar.
Because only few people would expect the guy holding a bat, just stole a shotgun and killed a guy with a pistol.
(btw i knew this guy in red shirt is a co-owner of the shop, he is kinda the reason i tried to raid it)

From Tick: 70000 Then i know shit is about to go down.
Ian Dalum/Dead is mad about losing his money
and the guy in red shirt is mad about losing his friend and a shotgun.
I just ran to the car to place my bat and get my pistol.
shortly after my phone rang and i answered it (IRL)
So i was less focused on the game and only had my headset on one ear.
You can see me not moving for about 10 sec.
I hear Ian screaming something about he wants his money.
So i start moving and getting prepared for what ever is going to happend(Im still on the phone btw)
Then suddenly the guy in red shows up and now both of them are very close and know i killed their friend.
Ian told him about me even tho i thought he was my friend.
So i decide to run a few meters away from them to take out my pistol as protection.
When i turn around he have his pistol in his hands and the shoot out begins.

As i explained to MrCupaCake that day.
I did not see his gun at any time, now after i watch my demo i can totaly see you had a gun out.
But it was never ment to break gun point or even try to kill you.
My plan with my weapon was to get you and Ian to shut up and get away from my car, so i could get out of there.
I was less focused on the game because of my phone.
I know its silly but thats what happend.
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You Ban Request in now under review, thank you for submitting this but next time please give a proper and detailed explanation about what happened. Thank you @gottlieb94 for bringing some light into this BR. Your testimony will be take into account.

As no tick has been provided, I sat through the whole demo and discovered a nice prop-push at the Paralake for which @gottlieb94 will be warned for aswell. So in the end, he will recieve a warning for breakin 3.4 and 3.11.
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