Ban Request on Sven Hommerson

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Your Steam/In-game Name: [PH] ItsAquaaHD-YT/Sebastian Falcone

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Unknown/Sven Hommerson

His/Her SteamID: Unknown

Why Should This Player Be Punished: Player clearly broke 3.4 (putting his life at risk) and ran to get help from other players while under gunpoint from two different players.3.6,Knowing he would die but he still ran.3.5 He came back after NLR was up to lock us inside of the building,making sure we had to use more bobbys.

Evidence (Demo Required):


Note:This is my first BR on a player,Leave all suggestions and improvements I could make to make this as clear as possible.
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I'd like if you filled us in as to why you actually did this. If it was a mugging it breaks 5.1. I think we must know the context in order to make a fair judgement here. From what I saw, the situation looked rather confusing, I wasn't sure if that Josh guy was also getting gunpointed or not. We might need your buddy's perspective of this since it was mostly he who held Sven at gunpoint.
Before i make my decision i'd like it from your friends perspective as @Saltguy already said, it's really hard to see.


And why did you try to mug the guys? If you try to mug them there it's a clear rulebreak of 5.1.
Hello, Josh here(In the video too) this was in fact a mug. We were forced to get out of the car which we did, I got put against the wall at gunpoint, then Sebastian proceeded to walk away, and after that he came back and continued to hold me at gunpoint.
Infact this is true,I realize that we held out our guns a little early in a public setting,however I was not the one who called the mugging.This BR is for Sven Hommerson,As seen he ran from direct gun point.Punishment will be accepted for 5.1 aslong as sven is dealt with equally....


I will accept PROPER punishment as I am willing to take the fall for me AND my friend,I will be held responsible because I have started the BR.Sven still needs to be dealt with,Trouble maker!I've hear stories about him from various other players that day.Look into it.
+Support clear violation of 3.4

You should be warned for 5.1 aswell attempting to mug him in a very public area.
Sven hommerson will be warned for breaking rule 3.4, he will not be banned due to him not having a single warning.
ItsAquaaHD will also be warned but for breaking rule 5.1.
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