Ban Request on XCommunist and JxnAlx

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Reaction score
Your Steam/In-game Name: peepee / Matt Rushbar
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: XCommunist (Alex Deer) | JxnAlx (Jeremiah Anderson)
His/Her SteamID: JxnAlx STEAM_0:1:67738806 | XCommunist STEAM_0:0:34067978
Why Should This Player Be Punished: Growing in unowned place
Evidence (Demo Required):
Tick: Monday June 5th ~10:30 PM EST.

These two not only were growing in the unowned property as documented in the video, they also were harassing my friend and I. They attempted to raid when we were basing in suburbs - died, and came back to do it again. Mind you, it was a property we just bought and had nothing in - they pulled up the same exact time we did at first, failed, and proceeded to try again after their 4 minute sphere was up, they came back and killed me while I was standing outside.
I spawn back in and they're parked at the police station, I confront them telling them they broke NLR and JyxnAlx (Jeremiah Anderson) proceeds to kill me and my friend with a gun stored in the trunk. After spawning again, I hear something up in the mayors office - I go to check it out, and as the video shows, it was them breaking rules, yet again.
I can only assume they didn't kill me because I told a whitelie that I had their NLR and RDM on recording, so they didn't want to press that luck further.
When you came to my car parked in the PD to "confront" me about breaking nlr, one of you punched me and also both of you continued to punch my vehicle. So I shot one of them and told the other to get on the ground and when he didn't comply I shot him as well. I'm also pretty sure you can grow in an un-owned property.

3.23 Placing Drugs
Players may not place drugs in areas that are not accessible without jumping or crouching, unless they are transporting the drugs in a timely manner.

Nothing about government property or un-owned places.
Nobody punched you or your car, and feel free to check damage logs if they exist, that's just a plain lie.
You guys are constantly harassing, you're trying to justify your actions now, but at the time, you also lied?
In the first portion of the video you can see one of the guys clearly not responding to fear RP. You can tell hes not actually AFK because he moves his head a little bit. In the second portion of the video you can see them punching my vehicle and me using lethal force to make them stop. In the last little bit of the video you can see one of the guys not responding to fear RP and not acting realistic by jumping around and not getting on the ground.

Not responding to fear RP? You didn't tell me to do anything, so I don't see how it's fear RP, I can't read your mind. I sat tight and waited for my friend to assist.
Now, yep you saw me punch your vehicle, the cat's out the bag. But when did I punch you or threaten your life which results in you killing me?
I'm not a staff member in the least, but I think you just kind of helped my side of this ban request on the RDM proof.

Also, I like how you filtered out the other peculiar minutes of you returning to that same property to kill me after you died.
Which logs will show ~10PM EST.

Thanks for adding evidence.

Edit: I also feel the need to add, their demo is only showing the replies of me, could you upload the whole demo for everyone to see the video without your bias?
Nobody punched you or your car, and feel free to check damage logs if they exist, that's just a plain lie.
You guys are constantly harassing, you're trying to justify your actions now, but at the time, you also lied?

You really just lied on an AR, Nice. Saying nobody punched my car but when proof is shown you try to put it on me.
Your video is edited like crazy, at :40 seconds is when Cold killed you in your video, where it's cut. I'm not requesting the ban off RDM if you read my report, it's just fuel to the fire showing what type of player you are. You also said someone punched you
When you came to my car parked in the PD to "confront" me about breaking nlr, one of you punched me and also both of you continued to punch my vehicle. So I shot one of them and told the other to get on the ground and when he didn't comply I shot him as well.
Now, nobody punched you, and we punched your car twice. Let's not distort and derail this ban request. So you "lied on an AR" as well, and as my screenshot shows, you lied about growing in a public place.
And heres to your friend, provoking a "war" because I have evidence of him breaking rules.

Since you have a demo, please provide the full integrity of the demo. Show that my friend killed you, show that you were harassing us to begin with please.
There is clear proof that jxnalx and communist are in the right because there is clear proof of the salty attitude you had at the PD in the video you also provoked them by assaulting them and damage his property.
You're not involved in this situation, and you're solely going off their video, which isn't even apart of the ban request as a whole.
Their video is edited to demonize me, to crop out their rebuttals.
I assaulted his property by punching his car which invokes right to kill me without warning? That doesn't sound logical to me.

Like I said, let's see the whole demo.
    • I assaulted his property by punching his car which invokes right to kill me without warning? That doesn't sound logical to me.
  • Well let's not forget the fact that you continuously provoked us before this.
You have literally no proof of why they should be banned yet you think the video he posted is highly edited when it just shows you being really salty at PD plus you can tell one of you punched him in the video due to his charter flinching when turning around to see the guy swinging at him
Right. Try to decipher and manipulate facts any way you want. There are logs and you have a demo you're cropping to only see me. Why would I say "Sorry I couldnt hear you -" if I was the one starting the 'flaming' ?
Now I have my evidence clearly posted. I'll let the admins decide on this now. I'm done replying to you both.
You assaulted him and damaged he's property thus giving him a right of something called "Self-Defense" which is common logic through out the real world and in this virtual game world.
Right. Stick to OP. I didn't even report him for that. Thanks.

Both users have been warned appropriately for their record (3.4). I suggest making a seperate AR for the stuff you all have been writing about, it's a mess reply after reply.
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