Ban request

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Draftking/Mitch johnsen
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: mattias (if i am corect my demo didnt work anymore) (guy in the red with amx forest in the volvo)
His/Her SteamID: -couldnt find it as i dont know the steam name.
Reason: i hit their car then he takes out his gun next to the gas station (day time) he doe command /meknocks the npc out when he wasnt infront of the npc. i told him ooc that this was an public setting then he mixes ooc with ic 3.24 i kept telling him then he says fuck the rules etc what i see as an 1.1 against the server/server rules. his friend also started breaking 3.24 when i asked the name of his friend but that by side.
Evidence: (at the very end i my panel didnt work anymore because of an ticket in the demo)
Alright. What me and my buddy Max Forest (zerokiller125) and i (Merlin Shlenders / Mr.Cakeface) were doing was wrong. it's been a while since we last joined PERP and were kinda just screwing around. also, about the NPC thing. i use keybinds for my /me commands and i kinda screwed up and used the wrong bind. so yeah. i fucked up. i admit that.


This does not give you the right to constantly stalk max and be a dick. you needed my name to make this ban request and you did this in the most nonsensical way possible. you got in your car and almost crashed into me at the slum just to see what my name was. so why do you think we were running from you? you were being a complete idiot.

also that whole 3.24 thing: we know you have to type in chat if you want to talk OOC. but we simply forgot and didn't bother reading the rules while we were pointing our guns at you. and yes i did say "Fuck the server rules". though i don't think that is a reason to ban me as i do respect the server rules and i do follow them (most of the time *COUGH* *COUGH*).
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Alright. What me and my buddy Max Forest (zerokiller125) and i (Merlin Shlenders / Mr.Cakeface) were doing was wrong. it's been a while since we last joined PERP and were kinda just screwing around. also, about the NPC thing. i use keybinds for my /me commands and i kinda screwed up and used the wrong bind. so yeah. i fucked up. i admit that.


This does not give you the right to constantly stalk max and be a dick. you needed my name to make this ban request and you did this in the most nonsensical way possible. you got in your car and almost crashed into me at the slum just to see what my name was. so why do you think we were running from you? you were being a complete idiot.

also that whole 3.24 thing: we know you have to type in chat if you want to talk OOC. but we simply forgot and didn't bother reading the rules while we were pointing our guns at you. and yes i did say "Fuck the server rules". though i don't think that is a reason to ban me as i do respect the server rules and i do follow them (most of the time *COUGH* *COUGH*).
@draftking (forgot to use the reply thing but whatever.) Fair enough. but still. you were stalking max and you tried to kill me. and you were most likely breaking at least one rule in the process of doing so.
Next time, if you're going to post a Ban Request on someone. Ask a mod+ for they're steamname and then you can find they're ID yourself. :)
The format has not been completed, therefore this will be denied. Next time make sure you get the full in-game name, Steam name and Steam ID.
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