
Steam Name: AyJay ツ (AyJay Harlem)
Rule Breakers Steam Name #1: Raul Menendez
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:41244833
Rule Breakers Steam Name #2: Sapir Sugavi
His/Her Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:66206546
Why Should the player(s) in question Be Punished:
First off, I'd like you to have a look at the video below; it shows the nature of the situation which happened - Me and @Blicky happened to be responding to a radio call by @Chrissy due to something going on at the docks. You can see both me and @Blicky responded and whilst at the business road turn-off we saw an escalade. I then carried on within the docks with Blicky infront of me. I then was told that the people within the car were apart of the shooting occuring at the docks and I was alerted by him that a woman within the car killed a fellow officer. I then proceeded to the city area looking for this car, I then broke down outside the PD whilst looking for it however I saw it drive past me. I then waited as the woman within the car (person I was looking for) picked up someone outside city hall. I went over to the car and directly pointed at the window where the woman was sitting and ordered her around 7 times to get out of the car, she then refused to do so, attempted to drive off and broke 3.4 by doing this and also broke 3.24 several times by saying "That's not a valid reason to take me out of my car OOC" or something along the lines of this.
After attempting to get her out, I fired shots within the car obviously to neutralize the vehicle as she was known to be a cop killer and was dangerous; this would not of happened if she did not break 3.4 - I then shot the car and she fell out, I then pointed a gun at her and told her to get on the ground but as you can see within the demo she refused to. Sugavi then got out of the car, attempted to save her by taking a gun out of the trunk of the car and shooting me directly in the face a few times. I'd also just like to say, that whilst Sugavi shot me I was completley unarmed and he completley knew this as he paused between shooting me.
The ban request is mostly on Raul, who by the way has broke 3.4 before; infact he/she has been banned a total of 5 times due to 3.4 offences and overall has been banned 8 times.. and Sugavi, well no need to even talk about that.
I do understand to a certain extent where Sugavi was coming from, helping his friend - However, he should of known that his friend just broke 3.4 and overall he was assisting him to break rules to a certain extent. As I said, the ban request is mostly on Raul however the Admin at hand dealing with this can decipher if Sugavi deserves a ban aswell.
The evidence below is a youtube video showcasing the entire situaiton, then the demo where all this happened has been supplied - The tick of the demo is 54423 from the start of the situation and it then ends at the end of the demo.
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