Ban request

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Puma123

His/Her Steam/In-game Name:[CJC]littleegg_09, Daves spirit/Joe Butch(I think), Diane

His/Her SteamID: Littleegg:

Daves: STEAM_0:0:62777763

Why Should This Player Be Punished: Daves began shooting me with his gun when I hit him with my baton for dragging away bodies. He wanted us to pay 500 when no-one asked for any help.

Joe then shot me infront of the NPC with a deagle. He told me that he shot the NPC but I believe that he forgot about the npc in the docks.

Evidence (Demo Required):

Tick: 50000

NB: I did tell her to stop dragging them before I hit her.
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Although she is my friend, On this Document she is the Suspect. Sadly I do have to agree with this post. She clearly had no real reason to shoot you. She dragged the body I believe she had nothing to do with. (Please tell me Puma if she was anything to do with the Rp sit. Was it her friend who died?). It was her own fault for getting hit with the Night stick and over reacted by shooting you.
Joe did not forget about the NPC, It was a beretta, and He whent up to the NPC said "You saw nothing" with a gun to the npc's face and in RP stuffs he saw the NPC get a phone and shot her
Although she is my friend, On this Document she is the Suspect. Sadly I do have to agree with this post. She clearly had no real reason to shoot you. She dragged the body I believe she had nothing to do with. (Please tell me Puma if she was anything to do with the Rp sit. Was it her friend who died?). It was her own fault for getting hit with the Night stick and over reacted by shooting you.

He abused me and hit me round the legs attempting to trip me up and made me crippled affecting my life and i dragged the bodies to the medics truck/van thing so he had NO REASON to hit me as I was helping the medic as lewis is my really good friendi was dragging bodies out, i was hitten wrongly as joe was the one dragging the bodies away from the medic ambulance and putting them into the van, he was out of shot to the left saying "Body Disposal" x2, i got next to lewis and thenstood up that is when he hit me round the legs making me cripples affecting my life, as I knew a medic was nearbye I know he wouldn't die so i shot at him to kinda say "What comes around goes around" so He affected my life and I affected his
As there was absouletly no reason to shoot you and there was at least one armed SS-agent I will support this BR. You clearly broke 3.3 with shooting Puma for such a minor offence and 3.4 as you don't have a real chance against at least 2 armed government employees with a pistol. You could have easily called the Lt to make a complaint about that situation, but shooting him for this with other armed people not far away you clearly broke 3.3 and 3.4.

2.1 - Dragging a body after being told by an officer and her reply was "It's for the environment" then continued to drag the body. The officer then hit her with his nightstick to keep her away from the body.

4.3 - Pulled a weapon out against an officer risking her well being and getting up to 10 years in prison. Was later revived but was saved him her friend that may have broken rules. (Need his demo).

Full video of situation.
+Support even though Daves Spirit is a good friend of mine, he clearly had no proper reason to shoot you, breaking 3.4 and had no proper way of killing both Officers.

For Joe I'll be giving
support for his ban/warning due to him breaking 6.3 by ignoring/forgetting the NPC near the docks. That NPC could have called the police and gotten him arrested.
ok so what happend after i killed him is because its been a year since i played on the server i totaly forgot about the npc, when i turned around to make sure no one was there i saw the npc. so i shot him/her and then me and diane ran away to hide from the crime scene

Before continuing with this ban request, I'd like Joe Butch/[CJC]littleegg_09 to provide his demo of the incident.​
Ban request accepted,

Daves Spirit will be receiving a warning for 3.4. I will be speaking to Joe on the server about the situation at some point when he's on.
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