Server Suggestion Bank loan

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Dublin, Ireland
Suggestion Title: Bank loan
Suggestion Description: Basically, you can take out loans to pay from the bank, and you have to pay back a certain amount of interest set by the mayor (eg. Player takes out 500,000 for a new car, mayor sets the interest to 3%, so the player pays 515000) the money is taken out of the account every real life day/week/month, whichever is applicable the best. If the person runs out of money, the player could get arrested, their house repossessed (just sold but the money goes to the bank), car repossession, and/or items being taken out of storage and sold for base value

Why should this be added?:
- this would help a lot of new player (cuz the mini is really bad for a car)

What negatives could this have?:
- players could exploit this somehow (not sure how)
Players could lose a lot of things if not online for a while
What problem would this suggestion solve?: Poor/new players could be helped to be boosted back up
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Not enough risk for reward.

We would all do 10 years in the slammer for 500K!

You can do loans as part of RP. Bell up @Tyla Jai at vault corp if you are a short of cash.
not enough risk? I’d disagree, see, every time you put something in storage, after an hour the bank takes it out and sells it, so you have to keep all your money and stuff in your pockets and if you get mugged your screwed
not enough risk? I’d disagree, see, every time you put something in storage, after an hour the bank takes it out and sells it, so you have to keep all your money and stuff in your pockets and if you get mugged your screwed
Exactly how it can be exploited. Your friend can mug you and all you get are 10 minutes in jail and both of you got 250k each.
I'd suggest to go apply for a loan irl, it ain't that easy as you describe above. I can't see a way you can implement a built-in loan system that's run by npcs, without problems:
  1. there's no solvency check possible; as there's no fixed income on perp.
  2. read 1
This can easily be exploited, how would we ever be able to get the 500.000 back you took the loan for, if you have nothing to start with?
But if you put the money in your account, he bank takes those funds, so if you get mugged by someone else
But if you put the money in your account, he bank takes those funds, so if you get mugged by someone else
get rich fast:
  1. take out a $1,000,000 loan
  2. get mugged when you have it on you (give to your friend)
  3. bank can't take back, what you don't have
The only way i can see a loan system ran by npc working; is when you want to take a $500,000 loan you have to give the bank a $2,000,000 car; and if you miss a payment they just keep the car. But then it won't help the people you're making this suggestion for.
By the sounds of it this would just be a guarantee all players have 500k at all times.

This simply wouldn’t work nor does it add anything real to the gameplay that benefits the servers Playstyle.
I like this.

  1. I don't believe mayor should have any control over this.
  2. We should not give the money to players directly, meaning if you wish to buy a car then you ask for a loan, get the loan's value as a "discount" and if you ever fail one payment then the car gets taken alongside other stuff (the player would be unable to sell the car)

With a bit of brainstorming I think this suggestion has some potential :)