Bank Robber Limit

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A Few days ago i was SWAT Alone with 2 officers responding to a bank robbery. The LT Told me to move in and i threw a flashbang in first of course. When i stepped in seconds after it went off there was 14 persons (They told me that in LOOC) armed. Most of them had Assault Rifles and since i was alone i weren't able to do anything. Might not be reallistic to set a limit on it but neither is it to be only 1 SWAT in a bank robbery. I Think there should be a rule of how many bank robbers is allowed to rob the bank at once.
Why would it be a bank robber limit? I mean you can easily take them out as they got no armor at all, just go in with all cops at the same time and I swear you will win. I mean it's not like it's impossible to win for the bank robbers, SWAT got the advantage
Sorry but I think the way it currently works is awesome! If you want to join in on the bank robbery overall all the money you receive decreases due to you having more people join. If you're MLG and do it with 2 people then you get more money between you. Easy as.
Bank Robber Limits sounds a bit useless you see if there is only one swat then you can still overcome them as john said it you would win with all the armor on you and they probably have pistols what is the worst thing they can do scratch you armor?
I don't see a reason behind this, just become a good shooter. We had a bank robbery with about 10 robbers, and when all other SWAT but I had died, I took out the last 7 using the Benelli M3 and using actual tactics to surprise them.

Which reminds me, a certain mod *Cough* Murtsley *Cough* was surprised and thought he was betrayed.
I think it's fine the way it is, I mean, sure sometimes there's quarter of the server against a few cops, a large amount of players complain that either SWAT needs a nerf and that citizens need a buff, or that a rule should be placed to prevent 10+ players robbing one bank, this is clearly one of the cases which show how balanced they truly are.
The police department can get up to 17 Officers which is against 10 robbers. Officers got armor, and the robbers have the weapons. They're balanced. A SWAT officers can shoot down up to 3 players if his accuracy is great enough. A whole SWAT team can and will be able to neutralize the whole robber team with the correct teamwork.
As the people above mentioned, the police force has enough, if not too much resources to deal with bank robberies. Naturally the police force lose the odd robbery, I suppose the word 'lose' isn't really correct either since they still have a the ability to conduct an investigation and they have warrants to go off to lead to the eventual arrest of the robbers. In conclusion losing a few bank robberies is just something you'll have to accept that happens, besides this would be a very hard rule to actively enforce, the only way I can think of is by making it a game mechanic.
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