Server Suggestion Bank robbery payout increase with variables + more

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Suggestion Title: Bank robbery payout increase with variables + more
Suggestion Description: This suggestion is to:

- Increase bank robbery payouts for small party robberies significantly.
- Extend the maximum attainable amount of cash from a bank raid to 900k.
- Adding an increased buffer limit on the minimum attainable payout upon successful robbery, meaning bank robbers should gain a minimum of 10k.
- Have other factors affect the amount of money gained, elaborated upon below.
- Individual user performance and involvement affecting the overall payout, also elaborated on below.
- Remove org mates dying from increasing the payout for surviving members.
- Add some sort of prediction method, possibly as an org perk, that will tell you a rough idea on what amount of money you could likely get if you robbed the bank with a party of 5, allowing users to mathematically solve how much they would get with any more or less users.

Currently, payout is decided solely on how much money is in the vault, How many cops there are vs how many robbers, and how many raiders survive. I believe the following factors should increase your individual payout:
- How many police officers you personally killed + bonus points if they were killed before they could enter the bank building possibly.
- Bank robbery leader bonus of 7.5K.
- How long it was between the vault opening and the last pile of money being taken, if it was in under 2 minutes.
- How much money you as an individual picked up and how much you turned in to the NPC.
- How spread out your party was during the bank raid.

The following factors should decrease your payout:
- How long you were in the bank for after money was taken.
- How many civilians were killed by your party before the vault was open.
- How many non Law enforcement government employees were killed during the bank robbery.

Why should this be added?:
- Adds whole new dynamics to bank robberies, making them more appetising ideas and overall encouraging users to partake in them by making the stakes significantly outweigh the risks.
- cRiM bUfF
- Allows users to gain and develop skills and possibly even base whole organisations around bank robberies as they will require users to gain more knowledge on the process to meet the increased profits.

What negatives could this have?:
- cRiM bUfF
- hard to implement?
- increased shootouts in a pretty inconvenient location.
It would also be considerably more enjoyable to allow parties with 4 or less members to use a hostage for some form of negotiations I think.

When they negotiate all they really acquire is the ability to drive off and if they do they are prone to being spiked, road blocked, pit, boxed or gun pointed and told to surrender.

Also I've heard this before and it comes off as a great idea too that if crims who break into the bank must do a minigame which is considerably difficult to set a skill gap and actually have to have a dedicated team member who figured it out through trial and error and was able to become the "Hacker" of the crew per se. This puts a lot of variety into currently bland setup of crew since not everybody is 100% ready to shoot at all times and it takes more skill in another category.
It would also be considerably more enjoyable to allow parties with 4 or less members to use a hostage for some form of negotiations I think.

When they negotiate all they really acquire is the ability to drive off and if they do they are prone to being spiked, road blocked, pit, boxed or gun pointed and told to surrender.

Also I've heard this before and it comes off as a great idea too that if crims who break into the bank must do a minigame which is considerably difficult to set a skill gap and actually have to have a dedicated team member who figured it out through trial and error and was able to become the "Hacker" of the crew per se. This puts a lot of variety into currently bland setup of crew since not everybody is 100% ready to shoot at all times and it takes more skill in another category.
Make a separate suggestion as this idea relates to changes in the existing system, not implementations of new ones.
Make a separate suggestion as this idea relates to changes in the existing system, not implementations of new ones.
I am going to also reference your suggestion however still because it kind of plays into this. My take on it is that Banks should be hard to hit and skill based but pay off more like you describe it with the factors of how long you stay there + how many of your crew die along with other things. Every piece in this suggestion really does make sense so it helps out and that is why it would beautifully compliment the idea of a harder heist but a cleaner and higher pay out if done smoothly.
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