BanReq on SouthSide Nigga

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Your Steam/In-game Name: -vG- Maze (Steam), James Green (In-Game)
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Lamar Davis
His/Her SteamID: Unknown (d/ced before I thought to get it)
Reason: FailRP (RDM), and big disrespect. Evidence:
(Ignore the fact my stuff says vG PERP3, that is my own fault and will probably take it off soon)
I completely agree with this ban. We had problems earlier with this guy as well. Same stuff. RDM, utter disrespect, and a lack of respect for the rules. He doesn't have any boundaries.
You didnt show the part when you was disrespecting me. And why get your whole org on here this is silly
He called me a dumb head its in hes photo. And im not the one try to set up people and get them ban im actually not a asswhole, Also Idk why they have admins in orgs
I don't have a organization therefore you are lying. I do admit to calling you that but only after you broke the rules. Plus, dumbhead is not really as bad as "dickhead"
Really Im not going to cry over it your the one making a big deal out of something really really silly
Ok I see you got a lot of friends. First of all you wasnt even here so how would you know and I only said that because here called me a dumbhead im done here. If I get ban because a guy is friends with admins and a lot of people then im just not gona play on here
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