Battlefield V

Reaction score
The Death Star
Let's start a discussion based off this "reveal" of Battlefield V

IDK why but to me it feels like they are running out of ideas and it is slowly turning into (but not as bad) Call of Duty franchise.
Wow, is that supposed to be the first mission or something? I've made websites that were less scripted than this ffs. It just seems like an interactive movie.
Wow, is that supposed to be the first mission or something? I've made websites that were less scripted than this ffs. It just seems like an interactive movie.
Im pretty sure the ginger woman with the sniper dies then just decides shes gonna jump out the window too
I'm disappointed
Wasn't this supposed to be WW2 themed?
Woman in war okay then
Also with some metal fucking arm???!?
they announced they are doing away with premium passes too. No more paid DLC
This is fucking trash just like Battlefield 1 I'm gonna stick to BF3 and Bad Company 2 like always
Battlefield lost its charm for me when some new releases after BF4 started appearing, BF1 has that Battlefront look which I personally hate and seems like it has carried over to this one aswell but I guess it also doesn't look too bad. Not just my taste.

I'll probably buy it when actual reviews are out, we are still talking about EA here and they will always find a way to fuck up.
I wish I could just buy Battlefield 2 on Steam, you were able to in the past for some reason if I remember correctly. I miss the good ol' Battlefields like 1942 and 2, such good games.

I grew up with this, so amazing to see it again lol.
tbh I didn’t like battlefield 4 when it came out. Haven’t really gotten into a battlefield game since 3. I played the shit outta that on PS3
I'm a die hard battlefield fan, every battlefield game is great for me except Hardline :booty:
I'm disappointed
Wasn't this supposed to be WW2 themed?
Woman in war okay then
Also with some metal fucking arm???!?
The metal arm is a thing, its called prosthetic arm, and it was one of the surgeries that were done during the ww2 causing it by exploding by grenades and etc, and yea ... women served in ww2, you feminist. wanna complain? play Call Of Duty.

fuck, i relaxed my conscience now :troll:
I wish I could just buy Battlefield 2 on Steam, you were able to in the past for some reason if I remember correctly. I miss the good ol' Battlefields like 1942 and 2, such good games.

I grew up with this, so amazing to see it again lol.

BF2 and Windows 7/10 don't get along well, I tried installing it before and the game wouldn't even start