Bazaar | PERPHEADS Montage

I was actually making one too, it weirdly started at the exact same place with the same type of edit, nice stuff though :cool:

Enjoy your showcase you thieving bastard….
Ratio + this video got more ratings in 10 minutes than all 8 of your “montages” combined + watch and learn something instead of spewing horse shit through the dentures!

maybe because im new to the com and youve been here since you were 7 years old ? Also I only make montage cause it fun not for a popularity contest + all your kills are on crafting orgs or new players , still good montage tho
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maybe because im new to the com and youve been here since you were 7 years old ? Also I only make montage cause it fun not for a popularity contest + all your kills are on crafting orgs or new players , still good montage tho
Don’t gotta deep a joke mate, but to make it funnier all of yours are new players, pistol cops (the occasional tfu) and sometimes experienced players