Suggestion Title: Being able to cancel being healed (Press C)
Suggestion Description: Being able to Press C to cancel being healed
Why should this be added?:
Currently a lot of people seem to be abusing the fact that when you can heal someone it freezes them for a small amount of time in their favor for example waiting for a cop to arrive when they are slightly out or preventing a shooter from pulling his gun out, preventing a guy from hitting you as FF/Medic.
This could have a lot of bad things within shootouts themselves as a cop could run around the corner while getting healed and them getting shot in the face straight or the other way around.
What negatives could this have?:
-Abusers can't be frozen (which is a thing that shouldn't be possible in the first place)
-Medic and Firefighter can't molest everyone within the city to get xp, ofcourse if they don't consent to
Suggestion Description: Being able to Press C to cancel being healed
Why should this be added?:
Currently a lot of people seem to be abusing the fact that when you can heal someone it freezes them for a small amount of time in their favor for example waiting for a cop to arrive when they are slightly out or preventing a shooter from pulling his gun out, preventing a guy from hitting you as FF/Medic.
This could have a lot of bad things within shootouts themselves as a cop could run around the corner while getting healed and them getting shot in the face straight or the other way around.
What negatives could this have?:
-Abusers can't be frozen (which is a thing that shouldn't be possible in the first place)
-Medic and Firefighter can't molest everyone within the city to get xp, ofcourse if they don't consent to