Police Suggestion Being able to transport evidence

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Brief description of idea:
Basically you are able to grab any evidence off a scene and transport it to the PD via a vehicle's trunk. For example you manage to get 2 people with rifles to surrender at bazaar, which due to this they drop their weapons. If we were to take this to the Police department to investigate the situation better and somewhere private, how are we going to get their weapons from Bazaar to PD without confiscating them or making them pick it back up? It does not look realistic transporting a possible murder suspect with a gun on him. This is were this suggestion would come into place. Being able to store any evidence in a trunk for transport would be very beneficial.

We all know how cancer it can be trying to figure out and investigate a shooting at bazaar is. Too much people talking, people fucking around with the evidence, Grenades getting tossed and people causing shootouts while we try to figure out what happened. It would be better to do such investigations in a safe place in the `investigation rooms` in the police department. The holding cell could be used when there are multiple suspects in need of interrogation.

If an officer were to respawn/de-spawn their car with evidence in their trunk, The game would simply not let you. This way you can't get rid of evidence etc. It will notify you that there is potential evidence in the trunk.

How would it work?
You would grab the evidence and take it nearby a police vehicle's trunk and when you click E to confiscate, the game gives you an option to confiscate or store in trunk.

Now to get the evidence out it would be opening the car's trunk as normal and when you click on the evidence, it will drop out of the trunk on the floor, from there you can drag it with fists again.

The observation room could be used as an evidence locker as well, with shelves on the sides for us to put guns, drugs, phones etc. We could examine the evidence too.
-I would change the door to something metal since it would be keeping evidence inside , metal door is stronger than a wood door. Considering there will be evidence there it is more realistic.

Drug Transportation---
When an officer goes to confiscate drugs off a table, pot or planter, The game would give you an option to confiscate normally or `extract evidence in bags`. This would turn the drugs into the coke/marijuana model we know (in bulk, which means if there is 60 marijuana it drops as a single block) and would be able to store it in police trunks. Similar to weapons.

or if you don't want to complicate things, store the whole planter or box.

What benefits would this idea have for the department: Would help the department by allowing officers to investigate thoroughly and in a private setting (PD). It is better than investigating a possible murder on the scene where you can get shot or getting the evidence tampered with.

What potential negatives could this have for the department:
Would take a bit more time having to transport the suspect and evidence to PD to investigate but it is more realistic and a safer approach.

Other additions:
Maybe allow criminals to crowbar the trunk and drop anything that is stored in it? This way they have a chance of getting their guns back etc.

-Feel free to add anything in comments to aid this suggestion. As long as it's reasonable and not OP or something lol
maybe when you pick up the bags the model name says

Evidence bag contains 20X canabis seized at Slums 4 at 12:50
for bags seized out side of designated area's it could use the same location tracking style as the PD thing in the corner does
maybe when you pick up the bags the model name says

Evidence bag contains 20X canabis seized at Slums 4 at 12:50
for bags seized out side of designated area's it could use the same location tracking style as the PD thing in the corner does
I do agree with this. The police usually tags evidence with information and being able to see when it was seized and where would help a lot.
It could be better if we can write such notes ourselves on the evidence ? Being able to write notes on the evidence would basically mean we could write anything, from which properties, times, names etc.
I do agree with this. The police usually tags evidence with information and being able to see when it was seized and where would help a lot.
It could be better if we can write such notes ourselves on the evidence ? Being able to write notes on the evidence would basically mean we could write anything, from which properties, times, names etc.
yeah that would be great too its just it would change the game quiet a bit and the dev's may or may not like it it depends
yeah that would be great too its just it would change the game quiet a bit and the dev's may or may not like it it depends
I mean if an officer decides to store evidence and forgets about it, he's going to have a hard time figuring out what that evidence belongs to and stuff. Would be good to be able to know such info about the evidence, or another alternative would be to just take notes on the phone
You can already do this by throwing it in the back of a PD transit
True but the PD transit is slow and guns go all over the place, the risks of losing the evidence is far too great. You can't properly secure it from falling out or getting bugged to another dimension
This could add a new feature to raiding the PD. There could be an evidence locker you could crowbar to get YOUR confiscated items back, granted you didn't die and you were arrested. This would make it a lot more worthwhile to be arrested rather than cops being shot because of 10 every time someone is arrested for a violent crime.
This could add a new feature to raiding the PD. There could be an evidence locker you could crowbar to get YOUR confiscated items back, granted you didn't die and you were arrested. This would make it a lot more worthwhile to be arrested rather than cops being shot because of 10 every time someone is arrested for a violent crime.
This sounds like a good idea, the confiscated Items will stay at PD for a certain amount of time and during that period, the criminals have a chance to get them back. If they fail to do so within that timeframe, the items will be removed like the current confiscation we have.
This sounds like a good idea, the confiscated Items will stay at PD for a certain amount of time and during that period, the criminals have a chance to get them back. If they fail to do so within that timeframe, the items will be removed like the current confiscation we have.
On Monolith, it lasts 60 minutes or until you die. But it opens more opportunities to raid the PD.
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