Police Suggestion Weapon confiscation

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Suggestion Title: Weapon confiscation
Suggestion Description: Weapon cant be confiscated when police pick it up rather it will remain in their inventory until they go to pd or car to destroy it.

Why should this be added?:
- more realistic actions avoid breaking combat confiscation also wont allow false confiscations and just give the gun back if it was wrongly confiscated
-update : the police can keep the guns in the car trunk tell it auto confiscate when going to pd.

What negatives could this have?:
-  if a uninvolved player kills a police officer just to get the gun.

What problem would this suggestion solve?: gives players a chance to steal the gun back from the police, for example when a player is 10 toes and the police have their gun their friend can break them out and get thier gun, also avoid breaking combat confiscation.
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