The best raid ever:
Back when the server was young, 3bitz and I lead a group of raiders on an attack on Evocity's MTL. One of the raiders and I simply walked to the front gate, asking if we would be able to join them in their grow-fest. Luckily for us they were kind enough to allow us entrance; we even got out own private room. Once we were safely inside, 3bitz lead the rest of the team to the font gate and launched an attack. The attack however, was merely a distraction. The panicked MTL occupants rushed to the front gate to defend their gear, as the raider and I went from room to room harvesting their drugs. After we'd collected all their gear, we too headed for the main gate, at which point 3bitz called off the attack and retreated back to the vehicles. As for the raider and I, we simply walked out.