Blacklist Dispute (Rxsm)

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Punishment Type: Blacklist
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Rxsm
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Day

Your Steam Name: NearJeopardy
Your Roleplay Name: Livie Grand
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:176006140

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 4.1 - User decided to stop reviving dead bodies at Scrapyard after a cop told her to revive the cop first, saying "I'm not gonna do what you guys tell me to"

Why should this appeal be considered?: I was on a crime scene reviving a civilian because he was closest to me. While I was in the middle of reviving a civilian the police told me to stop reviving the civilian and revive a police officer who was somewhere else. I wanted to finish reviving the civilian because I had already started and it would have taken less than 10 seconds for me to finish but instead, the police put me in cuffs. This broke law 6.10 by obstructing my ability to save a civilian.

I told the officers they could not tell me what to do because there were multiple officers yelling at me to revive officers first. There is no law that medics have to follow the orders of the police. Nor is there a law that I have to revive the police first. Actually, the paramedic guide says: "Your objective is to treat as many patients as possible, and not to prioritize Officers". It doesn't make sense for me to stop reviving someone to revive the police. They said the officer had a "very weak" pulse which means they had less than a minute until they died and at my rank as a medic, I knew the officer would die even if I did ditch the civilian, I even told the officers he was going to die no matter what I did. I would have needed to locate the officer, leaving the civilian to die, then 3-4 charges of defib (without fail) to save the officer. Of course, you should prioritize weak pulses first, but I didn't know he had a weak pulse before I started on the civilian.

It's not against the rules to be a bad medic, 4.1 states "Government employees must at all times follow the entirety of the law." The crime that I was accused of doing was murder which logs could show I didn't kill a single person. In reality, everyone died when at least one person could have lived if they just let me finish reviving the civilian. I did not intentionally ignore the weak pulse or police officers I was just trying to revive who was closest (AKA has the best chance of survival) instead of running around looking for police checking if they were alive and then reviving them. When all of the officers on the scene are yelling at me to do something and arresting me it makes it impossible to know who they even wanted me to save at all.

I would have revived the officer AFTER I had finished with the civilian but I didn't have the chance to do either one. I did completely stop with my duties as a medic when I was put into cuffs because I made an F6 on the spot and said I no longer wanted to be a medic. I didn't know that I was taken out of cuffs for a while because I was in the report and I thought they wouldn't release me. Since I was in a report I didn't see when I was released. At that point, they already said they were taking me to prison for murder which should relieve me of my duties as a medic.

I was told at 15:50 that I didn't break any rules by d ( then 5 minutes later rxsm gave me a blacklist. He said he had a video of me breaking the rules but wouldn't show me when I asked then closed the ticket (

Additional Information: I have over 14 days of playtime since May of this year and I've never had a ban, warning, or blacklist until now. I'm a senior paramedic and I was a paramedic main until recently.
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Washington, D.C

This will be looked into, thank you for your detailed post
It would however be helpful if you had a recording of the situation happened
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So the truth is, even before you arrived on scene, we said on the radio countless times to start with officers, then you arrived on scene and I instructed you via the radio where the officers were(Even tho an unconscious officer was closer to you than the suspects you decided to run to the civlians first) and you just ignored us, at some point you just stopped reviving anyone, You were not cuffed until you stood over the officer's body and said "I dont have to listen to you" and started running away, At that point you were cuffed for 3 seconds and released in order to give you an opportunity to actually do your job and revive anyone, Then we just stood there waiting for you to do anything, we waited 48 seconds, while you could revive both, you just decided to do nothing.
after the suspects and officer died, you started running off and we detained you and took you to PD. You did not do your job as a medic, I believe 1 day blacklist is nothing and you should have received atleast a week.

Deleted member 4084

@NearJeopardy the demo of the situation would be: perpheads_demo_2023-8-26 15-08-27
If you can upload it, it'd give us a better insight to your perspective.
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So the truth is, even before you arrived on scene, we said on the radio countless times to start with officers, then you arrived on scene and I instructed you via the radio where the officers were(Even tho an unconscious officer was closer to you than the suspects you decided to run to the civlians first) and you just ignored us, at some point you just stopped reviving anyone, You were not cuffed until you stood over the officer's body and said "I dont have to listen to you" and started running away, At that point you were cuffed for 3 seconds and released in order to give you an opportunity to actually do your job and revive anyone, Then we just stood there waiting for you to do anything, we waited 48 seconds, while you could revive both, you just decided to do nothing.
after the suspects and officer died, you started running off and we detained you and took you to PD. You did not do your job as a medic, I believe 1 day blacklist is nothing and you should have received atleast a week.
Again, medics don't have to prioritize officers. I couldn't hear everything since there were multiple people talking at once and it wasn't the only ongoing scene how would I know you were talking to me over the radio? I didn't even know that anyone was talking to me via the radio. Even if I did know you were talking to me I wouldn't have listened to "revive officers first" without an explanation since I'm supposed to revive weak pulses first. I went into the property first to check if the homeowner was alive then started reviving the civilian who was closest. To me, it sounds like you are just upset that I did not listen to you, which I have no obligation to do.
Also, rxsm said I would receive your clip when I made the dispute so can you upload it?
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Again, medics don't have to prioritize officers. I couldn't hear everything since there were multiple people talking at once and it wasn't the only ongoing scene how would I know you were talking to me over the radio? I didn't even know that anyone was talking to me via the radio. Even if I did know you were talking to me I wouldn't have listened to "revive officers first" without an explanation since I'm supposed to revive weak pulses first. I went into the property first to check if the homeowner was alive then started reviving the civilian who was closest. To me, it sounds like you are just upset that I did not listen to you, which I have no obligation to do.
We did not cuff you altho you didnt listen to us, The officer also indeed had a weak pulse, The point here is you failed to do your job by failing to revive anyone and just standing still for 48+seconds, which led to their death
Also, rxsm said I would receive your clip when I made the dispute so can you upload it?
I showed rxsm the clip on discord, did not upload it, This is your dispute so you are free to provide your evidence, I have no reason to provide mine since you will also use it against me in the IA you made.
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Washington, D.C

While your arrest, and pulse priority is a more complex issue, what is a simple issue is your refusal to revive suspects / LEOs out of frustration, doing so is a crime, and also against your duties as a Medic. Regardless of how you felt about Shay's commands you should not have left, and still done your best to revive people.

Reviewed with: @3izu and @Ellie
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