Blockheads Remastered

Could you tell me specifically what is not working, no other Ingots except Thermal Foundation ingots (and Railcraft Zinc) should even exist
No matter what you do you get every ingot other than the one you need
idk its just broken af
> Griefing on minecraft in 2020.

@Collier I honestly have no idea, past few days no other ingots have worked for me when making thermal foundation stuff, it either gives me some random ingot or I just cannot craft thermal foundation stuff with other ingots, even when requiring "ingotCopper" or whatever :(
@Collier literally every thermal foundation item lmao, at least from what I've seen. I'll hop on the server in a bit and try find out
@nutrient10 One of the scripts was skipping due to poor copper ore being hidden by unidict (i think it's unidict doing this, idrk for sure) automatically and it also being hidden manually by crafttweaker when I set it up that way