Server Suggestion Body armour for civs but balanced

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Suggestion Title: Body armour for civs but balanced
Suggestion Description: Adds body armour vests that fall under the ''armour'' category allowing a max of 1 of any type to be carried you would click to equip these they would go as following to make

low-grade armour 2-3k is the equivalent of very low police armour light stamina reduction this should be craftable at around firearms LVL 20
Medium grade armour 5-7k is the equivalent of patrol cops full armour. medium stamina reduction this should be craftable at around firearms lvl 50
High grade armour 12-15k the equivalent of tfu LIGHT body armour high stamina reduction should be craftable at firearms lvl 90 to 100

Why should this be added?:
- adds body armour to civs and more items to make/craft for crafters
[could add a long equip animation and loud audible noise of a vest zipping to debuff it if needed]
What negatives could this have?:
- could be unbalanced but I think the high price and the ability to only carry 1 at a time would make it balanced especially with the stamina debuff's
patrol and light tfu have the same armour, also civ get ak
patrol and light tfu have the same armour, also civ get ak
i swear light tfu has more ?? if not make the high grade armour above the light by a small margin i guess
i swear light tfu has more ?? if not make the high grade armour above the light by a small margin i guess
No, in fact, when light TFU was made, they only got 49 armour, which is less than cops Who got 50.
I'd love this if top tier armour (patrol cop equivalent) was actually rare and illegal. I'm talking level 120 firearms, level 50 crafting and like level 4 intelligence. Then that would be amazing imo.

so not only civs get a massive amount of weapons, scopes and GRENADES
you want to add armor for them?

I feel like if this idea was meant to be it’d have been implemented years ago.

Armour at the moment doesn’t even offer a colossal advantage as it doesn’t really offer as much protection from anything that isn’t a pistol round as people might think, It also only protects your body, and it also depletes from stupid shit like car crashes, being touched by a car (some even when stationary) and even walking into the bank door when it moves, which would in turn lead to bug reports and refund requests when people lose armour to stupid stuff like that.

The only thing armour would be good for is making you significantly harder to kill when someone shoots you with a pistol. Any rifle or automatic weapon is still going to ruin your day, especially at close range.

so not only civs get a massive amount of weapons, scopes and GRENADES
you want to add armor for them?

The cost of the weapons serve as a massive deterrent for a lot of players though. In fact for a huge portion of players attaining a grenade is more effort than they feel it’s worth. Players who can’t craft them themselves have to know people to get ahold of them.

I'd love this if top tier armour (patrol cop equivalent) was actually rare and illegal. I'm talking level 120 firearms, level 50 crafting and like level 4 intelligence. Then that would be amazing imo.

But then new players would have more of a skill gap to fill when they get raided by several armoured people with assault rifles and they can’t afford to attain armour because it’s hard to get and they can go to prison for owning it within a city where armour piercing suppressed assault weapons and anti material rifles remain legal without permit.
But then new players would have more of a skill gap to fill when they get raided by several armoured people with assault rifles and they can’t afford to attain armour because it’s hard to get and they can go to prison for owning it within a city where armour piercing suppressed assault weapons and anti material rifles remain legal without permit.
Very good point.

But it's still available to pretty much everyone as it would most likely be sold discretely at gun stores, as far as I know, most people who use car bombs are not the same people who make car bombs (meaning that you yourself do not need the requirements to craft them if you want to use them).

New players will generally always be at a disadvantage regardless of the circumstances when getting raided. I don't think armour will change too much here.
If rare, illegal and expensive, it would deter players from using them. It would probably be only used in high stakes combat, i.e a bank raid.
You say this like cops dont get armour, weapons, scopes and stun grenades for free.
Police moderate armor isn't that good against rifles. And to get rifles and scopes you need a unit whitelist and all of that. Plus only a few at a time can use such equipment. You can easily have entire org armed with AKs and just shoot cops from a mile away...

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