Server Suggestion Re-Armour From Your Police Car & Revamped Armour

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Dubai, UAE
Suggestion Title: Re-Armour From Your Police Car & Revamped Armour
Suggestion Description: I’m sure this has been suggested before or I’m just dumb and it’s already thing but being able to re-armour or change your vest plate from the trunk of your police car would be amazing. It’s always annoying when you’ve been in a shootout, crashed your car or have done anything to cause you damage and you have to go all the way back to PD to resupply.

I find myself with a damaged vest more from situations which don’t involve a shootout and it doesn’t make sense that you can get punched in the chest and bump your car and damage your armour, a change in the armour physics might be a good workaround, only allowing either sharp weapons, guns and other objects that damage armour IRL to do so (of course you should still take damage to your health from punches etc but not to the armour).

There is a possibility to abuse this with cops re-armouring during shootouts, to combat this there should be a rule added, like confiscating weapons during a shootout, that prevents people from re-armouring during a shootout and only allowing it outside those situations.

Why should this be added?:
- Stops the need to go back to resupply every time you get injured.
- Frees up more time for police.
- Increases realism.

What negatives could this have?:
- People could abuse it in shootouts by going back to the car to re-armour.
- It would time up more trunk space in the police cars so CPL+ can’t carry additional weapons.
I am okay with removing the damage to armor with blunt weapons and slower car accidents. Stuff like fists, bats, bottles or a low-speed car collision shouldn't cause the loss of armor at all to be honest.

At the same time, if this change is implemented, I see no reason for a re-arm option, and I see lots of annoying potential for cops just re-arming mid shootout instead of valuing their life. So the compromise in this case is remove the damage to armor from blunt attacks and car crashes, and don't allow them to rearm other than at PD and the Brute. Idk if they can rearm at the Brute rn, but it makes sense imo.
It's already basically suicide to try and fight cops on peak hours unless you have a zerg yourself or a group of skilled pvpers maybe then you stand a slight chance that a few will make it out alive without any dropped guns and you want it to be even harder with cops re-armoring mid shootout to refill their vest?

Please explain to me in any way how this suggestion is generally balanced for the server and how it would give any sort of improvement to criminals vs cops because it just sounds like you're asking for a PLPD Buff when the PLPD is more buff than the incredible hulk.
It's already basically suicide to try and fight cops on peak hours unless you have a zerg yourself or a group of skilled pvpers maybe then you stand a slight chance that a few will make it out alive without any dropped guns and you want it to be even harder with cops re-armoring mid shootout to refill their vest?

Please explain to me in any way how this suggestion is generally balanced for the server and how it would give any sort of improvement to criminals vs cops because it just sounds like you're asking for a PLPD Buff when the PLPD is more buff than the incredible hulk.
I never said that I want cops re-armouring in a shootout. In the suggestion I said that cops re-armouring mid shootout is a weakness of it, I then mentioned that steps would have to be taken to combat this issue such as rules that can be enforced. It should be treated as confiscating weapons during a shootout, something you can’t do. The only difference between being able to re-armour from your police car and the PD is the distance, you don’t leave a shootout to go and re-armour so you wouldn’t with your car.

I feel it’s completely balanced, cops can currently re-armour it’s just only at PD. It’s doesn’t effect your raids at all, the police would turn up already armoured, as it is already, have the shootout and once the situation is dealt with and if they survive can go back to the cars to re-armour instead of driving back to PD. It’s not giving them extra health, ammo or an advantage it’s solely convenience after the situation. It would be completely stupid to suggest that cops should go and re-armour during a shootout, that would be absolutely unbalanced.

Yes there are opportunities for people to abuse it during a gun fight and as I mentioned it would have to be enforced as a rule but it could also be added to ranked SO+, people who understand the rules and policies and who are much less likely to abuse it, negating a large proportion of the weaknesses.

Why do you feel that it is unbalanced?
I never said that I want cops re-armouring in a shootout. In the suggestion I said that cops re-armouring mid shootout is a weakness of it, I then mentioned that steps would have to be taken to combat this issue such as rules that can be enforced. It should be treated as confiscating weapons during a shootout, something you can’t do. The only difference between being able to re-armour from your police car and the PD is the distance, you don’t leave a shootout to go and re-armour so you wouldn’t with your car.

I feel it’s completely balanced, cops can currently re-armour it’s just only at PD. It’s doesn’t effect your raids at all, the police would turn up already armoured, as it is already, have the shootout and once the situation is dealt with and if they survive can go back to the cars to re-armour instead of driving back to PD. It’s not giving them extra health, ammo or an advantage it’s solely convenience after the situation. It would be completely stupid to suggest that cops should go and re-armour during a shootout, that would be absolutely unbalanced.

Yes there are opportunities for people to abuse it during a gun fight and as I mentioned it would have to be enforced as a rule but it could also be added to ranked SO+, people who understand the rules and policies and who are much less likely to abuse it, negating a large proportion of the weaknesses.

Why do you feel that it is unbalanced?
the opinion of it being balanced and "less-likely" to be abused is not something I agree with, what you stated to justify adding a feature like this still easily open a door for countless ARs and reports on cops all because some cops are too lazy to take a 30 second drive back to PLPD. The BRUTE Armored van is able to resupply, I am personally unaware if it allows normal cops to resupply but if it does great if not then that's the only way I can see any of this making sense. Normal PD Cruisers just shouldn't have the ability to rearmor, period. I stress this because not only are crims not wanting to deal with it, I am sure staff also aren't willing to deal with corrupt cops rearmoring which is something that's going to be a big hassle to deal with considering every single cop on duty has to be watched to make sure they don't break this proposed rule.
the opinion of it being balanced and "less-likely" to be abused is not something I agree with, what you stated to justify adding a feature like this still easily open a door for countless ARs and reports on cops all because some cops are too lazy to take a 30 second drive back to PLPD. The BRUTE Armored van is able to resupply, I am personally unaware if it allows normal cops to resupply but if it does great if not then that's the only way I can see any of this making sense. Normal PD Cruisers just shouldn't have the ability to rearmor, period. I stress this because not only are crims not wanting to deal with it, I am sure staff also aren't willing to deal with corrupt cops rearmoring which is something that's going to be a big hassle to deal with considering every single cop on duty has to be watched to make sure they don't break this proposed rule.
To be honest I completely understand where you are coming from but I feel that if there are additional steps taken such as limiting it to SO+ in additional to policies would negate the majority of these issues. There are loads of rules people follow while on-duty, like picking up weapons in an active shootout but people don’t do it, you would rarely see that happening and when it does it is much often a new player.

What’s your opinion on the re-working of the armour physics to not take damage for light crashes, fist fights and blunt weapons?
but I feel that if there are additional steps taken such as limiting it to SO+ in additional to policies would negate the majority of these issues.
this doesn't argue or negate the problem with it being abused, intensely difficult to monitor and a hassle for crims, staff and supervisors to deal with.

There are loads of rules people follow while on-duty, like picking up weapons in an active shootout but people don’t do it, you would rarely see that happening and when it does it is much often a new player.
weapon pickups have logs and the amount of cases where a weapon is dropped and flankers are on the way but the cop failed to give adequate time for there to be no imminent threat is nothing compared to the amount of cases that would arise from cops just being able to rearmor at their cruisers because they're too lazy to drive to PLPD. You're proposing an idea that brings headaches to solve headaches and it's a can of worms that cannot be cleaned. As I said the BRUTE Armored van is the only one which makes sense to re-armor from. Allowing regular PD Cruisers to rearmor is not worth the reward for the cost of all the problems it will bring in my opinion.

What’s your opinion on the re-working of the armour physics to not take damage for light crashes, fist fights and blunt weapons?
Im assuming you mean crashing into a car at like 30 MPH to which I guess yeah it's unrealistic but at the same time I can see how another side would claim this to be a balanced case of unrealistic but good for the server. Cops crashing and losing armor is a punishment to those who recklessly drive and I can't count how many times cops have tiered my car cause they don't follow their own traffic laws or at least use lights and sirens so at the least if I have to make an AR or an F6; wait days; make a refund request for my tiered car; finally have an admin to refund it; pay the unimpound fee; get it fixed; refuel it then go through a whole IA process then at the very least It seems fair that cops would have to go 30 seconds back to PLPD so they can rearmor after they did what they did.

As for fist fights and blunt weapons again it's probably a balancing issue because blunt weapons and punching needs to lower your health and armor so you get damaged when you are being attacked. If you don't lose armor you're just going to be even more incredibly hard to kill which cops already are considering their numbers, their arsenal, their cavalry and the fact they have armor in the first place and much more other things. In the end all I am saying really is that from what I have seen of the losing armor system it is pretty good and it works just fine as it is now.