BR on Lamar

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The garden
Your Steam/In-game Name: Doux The Dead-Eye/Jaime Marcello
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Lamar/Richard zharikov
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:53544247
Why Should This Player Be Punished: He killed me instantly while i had no gun out and I was no threat to him which makes it RDM. He could of took me hostage.
Evidence (Demo Required):
I'm not saying he should do this but in this video it looks like he was in a heated situation where he just reacted quickly which happens to us all some time.
I noticed most of them saying "cops cops cops" so they probably assumed you were a police officer and considering the FPS drops and general lag on the server at some points it doesn't leave much of an opportunity to distinguish between someone who's going to bang you in the face with a Beretta or just a civilian. Also, It was dark outside and if you were wearing black clothing it would've made it even harder to tell who you were especially from two floors below.

@Liam Holder, If you knew he was lockpicking your apartment why return without calling the cops or without a firearm. You were kind of just asking to get shot, mugged or worse.
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+support Lamar shot LIam from the 4th apartment while Liam was in the 3rd flor i think and if you will check you hear Lockpicking In the demo before Liam entered the building he was running unarmed and the player shot him because he thought It was cops (as you can hear in the demo) i do think that its a kind of an RDM because Liam got shot before Lamar really saw Him (cant tell if he is a cop i think) and also if you are getting radied of something get in you apartment and dont Stand and Shot all the guys in the building.
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"cops cops"

Me: "Cuntzzzzz"

The reason why you was shot is because a number of reasons.

You are a "crime" family, so obviously we have to take that as hostile as possible, you do drugs and you carry guns (We were not wrong, you or a friend dropped a glock) Lamar knew you guys IC he didn't want to raid at first but I said "no I have seen durgs in there, I want them" so that's how we knew who you are.

Second of all, it was kind of a heat of the moment thing as cops showed up and we knew your apartment was empty since we saw you leave and we expected cops to come back and we saw that you guys came back so obviously you would have guns on you. All the other apartments in the building was empty so you could only know it was your apartment getting bobby'd.

I don't understand why you came back, it seems that you broke 3.4 and 2.1 since you saw that Spadille and Lamar had an m4 and Ak on their backs and you didn't stay back and inform the police.

It seems you are just a little bit butthurt from dying from a legit reason. You have supplied us with a 30 second clip from a five minute situation that looks like we done wrong when in fact it was you.

Ideally you should be getting a warning for the rules you broke.
I Don't think they actually meant to kill you if you were not a cop. When they shouted "cops cops" I believe they might of been getting raided? I know last night we were about to raid regals. I think this was all just an accident and they never actually meant to kill an innocent guy.

Please Upload a demo. It will help staff members a lot better than the you tube video. Because they can drive around and look at the situation.
Honestly, I feel that this was just a 'heated' situation upon where they acted upon their instincts to shoot you as you heard them say 'Cops, Cops, Cops'- they obviously thought that you were a cop. I'll quote the remaining off @Blicky ;
I noticed most of them saying "cops cops cops" so they probably assumed you were a police officer and considering the FPS drops and general lag on the server at some points it doesn't leave much of an opportunity to distinguish between someone who's going to bang you in the face with a Beretta or just a civilian. Also, It was dark outside and if you were wearing black clothing it would've made it even harder to tell who you were especially from two floors below.

Denied, however I'll speak to the user just about being aware next time.
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