{PH} ThePro'sAssistant - 3.21, Lying in an admin sit.

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Riekelt / Michelle Bowman
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: {PH} ThePro'sAssistant / Unknown
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:76405499

Why Should This Player Be Punished:

The player broke 3.21 by crossing the highway, after which i tried to stop the person.
In the demo you can clearly see him running towards the city hall at first, after which he sees me driving towards him with lights and sirens, then he proceeds to run into the underpass, where i issue him a ticket, he refuses to pay the ticket and he resists arrest. He initiates a foot pursuit, to which i instruct him to stop running, and make him clear a weapon is pointed towards him, as i felt he was starting to form a danger to the public. He proceeds to completely ignore 3.4, multiple times he was informed about the fact that a gun was pointed at him, and that shots would be fired if he did not stop. He then decided to run back into the underpass, take his MP5 and start unloading two shots in my direction, i proceed to disable him with lethal force...

This is not the worst part. He decided to report me to MrLewis, after which he decides to make false statements against me, which are clearly audible in the demo.

Evidence (Demo Required):
Demo: http://mega.co.nz/#!0ohnCIqD!Zcz8rTX-fqOJ8ZD68dCVJ0YQkZKRdLjmqVMzsX08Wkw
Dramatized Youtube Video:

Tick: 0 - This was the first thing that happened when i joined the server and got on duty.
Not contributing to thread Unnecessary Posting rule 5 of forums rules - The-Devils-Son (you will not have a forum warning just remember in future ok)
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He has clearly broken several rules and has lied in an admin sit. He doesn't seem to want to be part of the community so should be banned. +support
First off he clearly broke 3.21 by crossing the highway, (if he didn't have a reason) and then he ran into the underpass and you talked to him and so on, but then when you took out your gun he had his back towards you so it can be pretty hard for him to know if you had a gun to him or not. I would suggest you in this situation to take out your baton and try and hit him from the back to make him stop and then handcuff him. But then it continues and he took out his gun and tried to kill you (this is over a ticket) so it's 3.4 anyway but him running away on gunpoint is a little hard but, him taking a gun and start shooting at you for a ticket is 3.4 so. I will +Support this :) Good luck.
After speaking with Devil's son and having the permission to take over this ban request I have come to a decision. It is both clear to me that the user "ProAssistant" did indeed lie to me during the admin situation, he ran across the highway which is indeed a direct breach of 3.21. His reason was false, if anything running down the underpass on the other side of the highway would of been easier. The user also risked his life over a simple traffic ticket which indeed was not needed which hereby breaks 2.1 and 3.4. The user will be banned for the following reasons: Lying in an admin situation, 3.21, 3.4 and 2.1.

Thanks for posting. Ban request
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