Bratstvo Mafia Applications

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Do you believe you have what it takes to join the Russian Mafia? Bratstvo Mafia is a recently created Russian mob, and it's looking for people to do its dirty work. While applying, you may choose a position you want to have.
Keep in mind: Only way to leave, is through death. (Well, not really, but you get the idea)


Ranks available for applicants:
  • Mekhanik - Literally translates to mechanic. They craft items for the family or gang, mainly firearms and crowbars.
  • Byki - A bodyguard for higher ranking members of the family or gang.
  • Torpedo - A hitman for the family or gang.
  • Kryshas - An enforcer and debt collector.
  • Boyevik - A member of the family or gang who carries out crimes and operates rackets.


*IC Information*
Your story:
Experience with firearms (firearms level):
What rank are you applying for?:
What is your reason for applying?:
Phone number:

*OOC Information*
Steam name:
Ingame time:
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*IC Information*
Name: Dmitrii Ermakovich
Age: 30
Your story: Born in Leningrad, was a member of multiple gangs such as русские громилы and in 2010 moved to paralake, now he know many people there and a known man.
Experience with firearms (firearms level): 3 (can increase)
What rank are you applying for?: Боевик/Boyevik
What is your reason for applying?: a russian expert guy from Paralake now will find his russian family
Vehicle(s): Volvo 242
Phone number: 752-6695
*OOC Information*
Steam name: [PH] ErmakDimon
Age: 9
Name(Optional): Дмитрий/Dmitrii or Dima/Дима
Ingame time: a week
P.S. I'm Russian
*IC Information*
Name: DaveFast
Age: 23
Your story: DaveFast he is a Good shooter and he robb the bank Alone and The police coming and Dave Killed them all and he run Away And He buy a ticket To a plane and go to another land and in airport he got arrested .
Experience with firearms (firearms level): 3 or 4
What rank are you applying for?: you can Choose
What is your reason for applying?:i applying beacuse i want to team And i like to be mafia
Vehicle(s): Hummer
Phone number: 749-3306

*OOC Information*
Steam name: [PH] Dreamkiller
Name(Optional): redacai
Ingame time: 2 months
Name: Ron Beton
Age: 22
Your story: Since I am not a real Russian, I have got to work twice as hard to fit in. I have moved to Paralake about one year ago, but I have learned all the ins and outs of the city. Working for numerous organisations and employers I have experienced all details Paralake can bring me. As I study Law (for real irl) I have experienced numerous experiences with the law and talked me and my friend Reggie Noble out of jail on many occassions. Now I want to move up and be a part of something real. Somethign that for instance the Hitmen Royale or any other organisations can not offer me.
Experience with firearms (firearms level): 32 (and counting)
What rank are you applying for?: Kryshas, but am ambitious to once lead and serve as consigliere. I am best when I am partnered up with Reggie Noble since we have the same native tongue. I have a wide understand of Law and Rule of Reason, whereas he can be a valuable asset to the economics and keeping track of our expenses and income. Choose us both and you will get valuable assets which can count for five others.
What is your reason for applying?: I want a new goal in life, earn more money and become a part of a tight group. Somewhere where I feel at home and valuable!
Vehicle(s): Mini Cooper (saving for a new one)
Phone number: 942-3881

*OOC Information*
Steam name:
Boss B
Age: 19
Name(Optional): Ron
Ingame time: Over one week (as shown in inventory). My experience surpasses one year, but I had some breaks in the mean time. Usually always play with my dear friend from real life, Reggie Noble.
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*IC Information*
Reggie Noble
Age: 22
Your story: Born and raised in a poor neighborhood, Reggie Noble didn't get many chances in life, so he had to create them himself. His father died in a car crash, and his mother was never home. He started doing small time jobs at a young age, from robbing local liquor stores to jacking cars. He got in touch with some of the big names of the local Italian Mafia, and started doing bigger jobs for them. Hoping to get in the family, but they wouldn't accept a black man. Reggie decided to move to Paralake for a new chance at joining a family, but he didn't leave without sending a "message" to the italian mob.
Experience with firearms (firearms level): 48
What rank are you applying for?: Kryshas / Torpedo
What is your reason for applying?: It seems like a well set up mafia with original ideas. I'd like to be part of this.
Vehicle(s): Hudson Hornet
Phone number:

*OOC Information*
Steam name:
Reggie Noble
Age: 19
Ingame time: 1 week
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*IC Information*
Jaqueline Kennedy
Age: 26
Your story: Born in Northern Ukraine,1988, Moved to Russia for 10 years in 2003, learnt the basics of the language, Was with the Moscow Police force, until wounded in a raid. Moved to Paralake in 2013 to rest and recuperate, the Russian police fucked me over. never my pay check while I was injured in Moscow, I quit the Russian Police, joined A drug cartel operating out of Paralake, it lasted a while, The cartel was taken down, its members scattered, I have been looking for work since then.
Experience with firearms (firearms level): 29
What rank are you applying for?: Kryshas
What is your reason for applying?: Nikolai Is a good friend of mine, we have worked together in the past. I wish to work with my good friend. Also, before in Moscow, before I joined the Police, I worked as a low-grade heavy for the Ukrainian mafia, tracking down people who didn't pay, and making them pay...
Vehicle(s): GMC Vandura, Dark Red.
Phone number: 749-8057

*OOC Information*
Steam name:
Age: 14
Name(Optional): Allen Kennedy
Ingame time: 5-6 Days
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*IC Information*
Name:Amira Forrest
Your story:
She was born Mongolia, She learned to ride a horse as 1 year old, When she was 14 she and her familly attempted to break into china, She failed, Her mother died, A few cousins lived and her brother lived too, They
took their horses rided into russia till she and her family came to Sweden, After some years in sweden, She learned how to craft a machete and stuff, She left her horse with her family,
They began assembling a boat to come into USA, Her grandfather died under the journey, He was the person who taught her how to fight how to ride, Her father wanted to stay in sweden,
Only his cousin and brother sailed to USA, They succesfully got smuggled inside without anyone noticing, They got a pass that described they were USA citizen, Her cousin became a cop,
She and her brother became criminels living a dangerous life, They mugged they attempted to steal cars, If she wanted anything her brother was most likely to buy it for her,
She made a friend which were also a criminel, After her first jail time for growing drugs, She stopped growing drugs and acually crafted guns began selling them to get cash, It didn't
really help, Her friend got her into a org named (Corleone family) Were she met people like her, After some years of doing crimes, She attempted to rob the bank, She got pretty fast away
with it, Some days after she robbed the bank again, She gotten load of money, But she had no org, She attempted to join a org, But left after somedays, She joined Loz zetas, And it got
disbanned after some days, She got called up by Ethan, Asking her to join Belinskys, She accepted. After some days with belinskys, She got kicked out for small reasons, She left city due to the Belinsky owner wanted
her dead, After a month she decided to return and rename her self, Attempting to not get regonized, Deleted most of the chats on phone. After some days, Of hard working, And orgless, She bought a hummer,
After some months of buying the hummer, A mystical creature was found outside PD, When she was a swat, She shot it in the face seeing it attempting to kill civilians, After somedays from PD she made a run for it,
She made it to a GAS STATION, Of hope at finding a safer place, Two days later of staying there, She was ran out of food, She got her hummer drove to farm, Found some place to stay for a few weeks,
After that she found some of her friends there, And somehow it got overran, They made a run for it, And escaped into the forrest, After some months, She came back to the city, And there were no mystical creatures.

Experience with firearms (firearms level):20, I can improve if needed.
What rank are you applying for?: Torpedo.

What is your reason for applying?:Orgless i am usally bored if i have no org.
Vehicle(s):Orange Hummer H1, Yellow charolet spark LT.
Phone number: 992-8302

*OOC Information*
Steam name:Retarded Lizard
Name(Optional):Ermm? Dunno what this means.
Ingame time:1 week+
*IC Information*
Name: John Bishop (happy to change if necessary)

Age: 66

Your story:
Born and raised in the Great Britain, John always had a dream. A dream to inspire, a dream of power. He had always been a machiavellian character since he was a child. He would do anything for power, anything to gain fortune and control. He moved to the US, and went through various gangs in various cities, all of which were eventually disbanded. He ended up in Paralake City, and after 36 long years, had started to succeed. He made money, met people and started to become known around the city. However, after a big bank robbery, he was caught by the police. He was in jail for 30 years. Now he is out, and ready for action....

Experience with firearms (firearms level): 1 (Dont craft guns at all.....)

What rank are you applying for?: Boyevik

What is your reason for applying?: Looking for an org that are serious in what they do, and dont just base the whole time

Vehicle(s): Dodge Viper

Phone number: Will find out when im Ingame

*OOC Information*
Steam name: Holy Shit its Danny D

Age: 16

Name(Optional): Danny

Ingame time: 3 weeks

angry english man.jpg

*IC Information*
Name: Alexander Hudson
Age: 48
Your story: Used to live in Detroit, barely scraping by. With the living conditions worse and his drug addictions getting more intense he was forced to steal, kill, and do whatever else needed to live an extra few nights. He met a man, and assisted him with his drug addiction, going through the withdrawal symptoms, Alexander decided to get out of Detroit and start over. He went back with the man to Paralake City. Not knowing what this new city would hold for him he stumbled across the XQBank. Armed with shotguns and bandages they attempted to rob the bank. Although the robbery was unsuccessful, and the man died of gunshot wounds - Alexander survived and was sentenced to 25 years in prison.
Experience with firearms (firearms level): 27
What rank are you applying for?: Byki
What is your reason for applying?: I want an org that is loyal, and that in turn i can show my loyalty. Instead of going solo, i also like guarding people which is why i chose this rank.
Vehicle(s): Subaru Impreza WRX STI
Phone number: 338-7069

*OOC Information*
Steam name: dots
Age: 16
Ingame time: 3 weeks
*IC Information*
Name: Ebbe Kvisthector

Age: 19

Your story: Used to live in Denmark. At the age of 16 the cops found weed in his home, he was sentenced for 2 years in prison. After a couple of months in prison he escaped with the help from some of his freinds, thus killing 10 officers in the act. Ebbe knew he couldn't stay in Denmark so he fleed to Evocity to start a new life. While living in Evocity Ebbe experienced alot of horrific things that turned him from smoking weed at home, to shootouts and murders. Ebbe was ready to kill anyone who came in his way of living peacefully. Ebbe has been looking for a gang/mafia to team up with and he thinks that he has found the right one.

Experience with firearms (firearms level): 20 ½

What rank are you applying for?: Torpedo

What is your reason for applying?: As stated in my story, Ebbe has been looking for the right gang/mafia to stick to for a long time. He has a need to be in some sort of community inorder to feel good. He would also really like to help people and make some money at the same time.

Vehicle(s): Hummer(RED)

Phone number: 935 - 1348

*OOC Information*
Steam name: [EBBZC]-=Bilbo Swaggins=-

Age: 13

Name(Optional): ( Dont want to share that srry )

Ingame time: 1 week+
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