Break down Paralake V4 into smaller pieces for SFM.

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Could someone do this? It'd be pretty fucking cool. Maybe afterwards we could have an SFM Contest or two?

We've all had issues converting paralake into an SFM File due to its size and the likes however. :/
Would be a cool thing if someone can actually make SFMs or create new loading screens with SFM as the current ones are kinda outdated and old

As for people wanting to steal map assets from the map, I’m certain there’s a anti decompile method around
From what I was told from some mappers I know from a different community they can prevent assets from being stolen using some method that prevents decompiling a map, not sure if that is a thing in the current map however
@Clarky its easy to bypass, u just need some tools (its easy to find on the internet), it can be time consuming if the protection was implemented in a smart way, but its just a repetitive process, not complicated
I kinda wanted to do this but only with suburbs and transform it into a TTT map (v1, anything after sucks ass) ages ago, would be cool to do this for SFM as it's really bad regarding big maps.
I actually spoke to @Lelios1 about this quite a while ago and he was able to properly extract V4 into Hammer and shrink the map down so that the only area to move around in was the City. And with using a few console commands in SFM, I was able to get V4 running in SFM. Two examples of what I've created in SFM on Paralake are here:


Could someone do this? It'd be pretty fucking cool. Maybe afterwards we could have an SFM Contest or two?

We've all had issues converting paralake into an SFM File due to its size and the likes however. :/
ive done alot of work with hammer and converting stuff for the unreal project so if anyone needs help with this i can help! just shoot me a forum PM or steam message me
@Clarky There are ways to prevent decompiling a VMF but it's like any real life lock, no matter how good they are every single one is breakable, just takes a bit more time and effort.
I've had 0 issues decompiling V4. what are you running into @Creepis
Imagine zombie survival in places like city hall. If you added stairs to city hall it’d be sick for ZS. Bazaar and farm would also be amazing on ZS.