Server Suggestion FF's beep instead of moan when downed.

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Paralake Fire Department, PLC
Description of the idea: Instead of moaning when FF's are downed they Beep. IRL we have a system on our air-packs where if we don't move they beep, constantly having to shake it. To save people's ears and patience lets just have it when they're downed. I suggest have this sound effect play at intervals of half to 75% the moan delay.

Why should this be added? (pros): Immersion and realism, Also can help finding someone as the beep isn't constant but its more than the moan interval. Very few go unconscious due to fire in-game but it can still occur or help finding them in the woods. A few times i've had trouble finding a body as the moan wasn't loud enough to cut through the fire or wasnt common enough to pin point.

What negatives could this have? (cons): Annoying, have to do some coding.

*Other additions: A combination of the two is possible as well with moaning and beeping.

*Images: None needed

To save you time and effort if this is accepted I have already pre cut and converted the sound file needed for this to the correct G-Mod bitrate. Sound effect supports looping. This is the quieter beep at the start of the video because if its added I don't want it to be annoying

Source video:
. This is the exact same sound our packs make irl to my knowledge despite different brand i think?


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