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how can we help the server guys!?!
@JER @Exrobite
I am honestly lost on how we can break the cycle. The best thing we can do is to get more people out of their PD insecurities and into the criminal world. But its kinda hard to do that as the current zerg just mindlessly goes around looking for any door with red text and a lock.

I doubt nerfing TFU and the PD would help with this, as 98% of the server is friends with one another. Its a step in the right direction, as well as lowering weapon prices. But hey fun fact, for the duration of their rivalry @Feng Yamaguchi and @EVIL always had each other as friends on steam.

These fucking criminal zergs need to grow some fucking balls, base, and attack each other. It would also be better if most orgs weren't so goddamn xenophobic by only inviting friends and actually accepting other people into the org. How the fuck is new criminals supposed to make a name for themselves if every org puts a 60-foot high wall between themselves.

But as people say, "Mage, how about you make an org." Well here's what's gonna happen.

1. As soon as I get members initiated and we actually do what orgs do which is fucking base and go to war.
2. Obviously, the org is gonna be small, the current zerg is gonna raid us into oblivion as they cause so little bases to form.
3. If the org is public, it is going to automatically be labeled as a "sweater vest horde" like the Vault of Memes @Alyt
4. Disband, have you and your org become nothing more than a joke as your members are constantly seen in shitty frag movies.

Perhaps this should ring a bell
i mean if there were more orgs like mine who dont discriminate who they rdm the world would be a better place

if @Sorle takes my rant into consideration all will be fine
People don't understand that org wars ain't just a single raid, You can't just pause the war because you need to recover. It all costs money and if you are going up against an org that wipes their arse with $100 bills then they are gonna shit on you and wipe their crack with your guns. I would never go into an org war because I could not afford it back then. Give me guns and money then sure.
Why not just have a server wipe? That way everyone is a sweater. This will make it balanced as all things should be. Not a serious suggestion
If it wasnt for the red writing, I reckon this would have beat Ermak's most dumb ratings.
why not make everything perfectly balanced, as all things should be, by permanently banning half the community
everytime i've said ''lets raid megalolis'' dom just replies with ''no we need to fight the pd zerg'' #blamedom
Too bad people get salty and make a report on you because u have a name in the community... i would love to rdm but one crosses the line then staff get involved smh
Stop making these dumbass posts and do something yourself.

Dom has already tried what he can stop fucking blaming him.

I dont see anyone else in this forum making a change and thats facts.
No changes can really be made everything that could be suggested to help the problem has and they dont seem to want to change it soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo rip i guess
I died reading what u just typed atomic please use sentence structure jesus chroiist
Olsen did kill org wars, I'm pretty sure most of us not in Olsen are suffering from some kind of ptsd because of their constant nonstop raiding.
no thank you good sir i'm simply an observation man i was put on this server to have fun at the expense of sweaty nerds
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