
Thank you for the support guys! I'm sure we can fix this if we all me positive and put our minds to it!
>Raid,because who cares about losing a 2000 dollar baretta
>guns become overpriced
>Small orgs who couldn't compete against PD stop raiding
>Small orgs start working together
>Zerg orgs form
>Zerg orgs want easymode so they invite more people
>Zerg org attacks new players,as they're the only people noone in your org is friends with.
>New players leave or join one of the zerg orgs.
>PLPD vs Jack Richards
>Jack Richards has friend in an org
>The whole org responds

Literally PLPD vs 1 org at the moment

I don't think we can stop these zergs now, as they're already formed.
i mean my reply was not meant to be sarcastic, olsen genuinely caused everyone to teamup and try stop them.
Yeaa couldn't afford to go raiding. Even now when I come on now and then I only intend to go as cop because not only can I not be arsed to go as a crim but I can't afford to nor have the time to.
fair point, rebirthed zerg culture and definitely made it more prominent than it ever was, elite groups tend to do that
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Although it made them assholes just do what Olsen did and raid your friends because if you don't there ain't gonna be anyone else to raid. And you are gonna be an even bigger asshole raiding a new player who only has a couple of guns, still saving up for an M4 and a car.
Gang wars would be cool to have once again (old dog here once again), I recall a few gang wars as being really fun, but nowadays with the requirement of having 100 marksman you're basically fucked against these kids with no lives, I have been on this server for years and still don't bother to put in the long hours to get 100 marksman. That system is broken, so why fight anybody when the playing field is nowhere near fair, if you can spray 5 magazines and hit nobody, but that guy can one tap you in the head. That ruins everything, when marksmanship didn't matter, shit was better - change my mind.
Gang wars would be cool to have once again (old dog here once again), I recall a few gang wars as being really fun, but nowadays with the requirement of having 100 marksman you're basically fucked against these kids with no lives, I have been on this server for years and still don't bother to put in the long hours to get 100 marksman. That system is broken, so why fight anybody when the playing field is nowhere near fair, if you can spray 5 magazines and hit nobody, but that guy can one tap you in the head. That ruins everything, when marksmanship didn't matter, shit was better - change my mind.
I would also like to add that maybe leadership of some orgs can decide to run a mutual war, and have something good come out of it, and maybe have some change to the if you know that guy, you can kill anybody near them if they're in trouble rule. Basing also needs to be a thing, can't tell you how many times I have been on at night and had a bunch of people doing shit in unowned properties, because they don't want to be raided; nobody wants to be raided, but it should be a requirement to buy a property to be able to grow or do anything in there.
are you implying i dont have a name?! It's as simple as don't rdm the sweats and you will be fine, but its basically a dice roll and you get banned for dumb shit usually
Although it made them assholes just do what Olsen did and raid your friends because if you don't there ain't gonna be anyone else to raid. And you are gonna be an even bigger asshole raiding a new player who only has a couple of guns, still saving up for an M4 and a car.
Haven't seen you off duy in 2 years, try play aganst 12 cops with 3-4 TFU with an org of 4-6 members. It doesnt happen often. People that abuse the PD safespace killed criminal rp because they want free shootouts when there are only 10 people on the server that actually start them when the other 1/4 wants to play as a cop.