Event Suggestion Bring Back Mike Myers Event!

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Suggestion Title: Bring Back Mike Myers Event!
Suggestion Description: We used to have an Event where a player or several players were chosen as the Killer, whilst the rest of the players would spawn scattered around the forest. The killer would be slightly faster than players, armed with a knife and infinite stamina. Players would have to go around the forest looking for crowbars and other devices capable of slowing the Killer down. Upon finding crowbars they'd have to attempt to steal the car and flee the forest through cornfield road. There was no other way to flee the forest than driving thru cornfield.

There was a later version which was basically just hide and seek, this would work too and would be easier to make.

This event was removed when events were reworked. It was pretty popular but wasn't deemed necessary for the newer event system, so I am suggesting this get bought back.

Why should this be added?:
- It was very fun.
- More events.
- We dont have events like it right now.

What negatives could this have?:
- Might be too good and kill gungame forever.

What problem would this suggestion solve?: More events not just le heckin mini cooper bumpor car traffic jam simulator.
just install dbd....
but nah this sound kinda cool, idk why this is lillacits but yeah add this because variety
This is still a thing? No?

The one he's mentioning has a car and crowbars apparently, I never knew this was a thing, so it must've been while I was cwb or something. The one we have on the event menu now is just vanilla mike myers ig, hide and seek like benji said
I absolutely adore horror movies, so i would love to see this, maybe even include other killer playermodels like Jason Voorhees, Leatherface, Victor Crowley or Wrong Turn's finest Forest cannibals?
The one he's mentioning has a car and crowbars apparently, I never knew this was a thing, so it must've been while I was cwb or something. The one we have on the event menu now is just vanilla mike myers ig, hide and seek like benji said
i wish you were still cwb
It exists, but it’s kinda buggy, I’ve considered editing it a bit before and adding stuff to the one we have now

I actually got a branch open for this taking advantage of the function to scale players too, the event already exists anyway
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