Server Suggestion Bring fuel economy back to the car dealer

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United Kingdom
Description of the idea: Currently, when you go to buy a new car, there's no information on the screen anymore about the fuel economy the car gives such as fuel tank size and MPG, etc. This used to be a feature a few years ago, but was removed when they added the new car dealer screen. My idea is basically to add this information back and onto the new car dealer screen.

Why should this be added? (pros):
  • Lets you see the size of the fuel tank and how much KM/miles it does per litre
  • This information would allow players to make better purchase decisions as they'll know the effeciency of the car and won't regret a purchase if a car has terrible MPG/MPL

What negatives could this have? (cons):
  • N/A (Please leave a reply if you have any)

1591096945920.png (Thread discussion I found but couldn't find an actual suggestion for it, thanks @Creepis ) (Document I found with fuel/tank size information)
Fuel consumption various at different speeds, so to give an "average MPG", we would need decide what the average speed is. The average speeds that cars are driven at varies significantly between vehicles. How exactly would you want this to be calculated?
I think this would be a great addition.
Something I also think should be added in this (If it does get added) is a correction to the spelling 'Litre' as it's spelt (on your picture) 'Liter'. Might just be how it was back then.