Buff RTU Vehicles

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Description of the idea: Buff Police Vehicles

Why should this be added? (pros): Why on earth is a shitty old dodge challenger able to outrun high performance police cars? Why is a BMW 340i (the highest possible spec BMW 3 series before the M3) only able to achieve 90mph? I believe police cars should be buffed, partially for Patrol and significantly for traffic division. If this results in poor driving standards then limit this to the RTU division. I am confident @Mimball would work with me to improve driver training so that officers can be trusted to use the speed wisely, and only when appropriate.

What negatives could this have? (cons): Poor driving standards, as mentioned above I would work with @Mimball from RTU to increase driver training.

*Other additions:
BMW 340i | 90 MPH to 110 MPH
Porsche Cayane | 100 MPH to 120 MPH
Mercedes | 120 MPH to 140 MPH

HAHA what the fuck is this suggestion? A speed enforcer that goes 140MPH? Might as well give them Mazda Furai next, instead of relying on your car speeds use your utilities you get like spikes, etc. It’s already hard enough to out run cop cars that go 90 MPH leave alone them going 110 MPH.
The Mercedes goes fast enough to catch most cars anyway, why should it be able to catch literal one of a kind supercars? If you want to get into high speed chases take the car designed for them
i mean ive never been caught by cops in my tesla
Maybe the mercedes should receive a buff, but all the standard cars are fine imo. Not everyone on the server owns a 160mph fast car and they should have a reasonable chance of escaping scenes aswell, or getting there before the cops show up.

On busy days you outnumber one criminal car by 14 police cars, use that to your advantage. Setup checkpoints and roadspike points on busy intersections. Im sure thats no problem for you at all. The police outnumber criminals right now on every possible point: Vehicles, weapons, communications, manpower. pls, no more.

Can you imagine how cancer it'd be grinding several million for a super car only to have like 5 unranked officers on your tail speeding at like 120 MPH? I've seen MANY RTU officers fail to control their current extra speedy cars and cause serious damage to themselves and other drivers.

Just giving officers overpowered equipment when they can already utilise numbers and fluid communications to catch any car will make the game further 1 sided in terms of police vs criminal balance and would overall give officers less reason to actually develop skills and get good at the game.
If you do see RTU officers do that and have a recording please let me know!
I certainly think BMW, Porsche need at least 10mph max 20mph increase
Also I have to bring this to light immediately.

Why on earth is a shitty old dodge challenger able to outrun high performance police cars?
It's not.

I drove one as a main car from 2018 to 2020.

Its not.

If you manage to lose a fucking dodge challenger which has the turning circle of a satellite in earths orbit and a 65 MPH Speed double upgraded and the acceleration of a snail hopelessly trying to crawl its way out of a pot of boiling water then maybe consider a PD Career as a full time dispatcher.

Even a double upgraded dodge challenger 2015 only does 79 MPH. The standard police car does 85.
Like in real life, police cars arent faster than nearly every car on the market. This would make it so only the richest players with bugattis can hope to be in a car pursuit, removing that aspect of RP from the server nearly entirely, as no one will ever go to pursuit. Also, imagine the number of crashes? Giving a new officer access to vehicles that go 140, is never a good idea.
Police cars of vehicles are inherently better than the market type of that same vehicle. A police Dodge Charger should be much better than a standard Dodge Charger brought at the Dealership. And I believe, police cars (the Dodge Charger for example) should be much better than most sports/muscle cars. Dodge Charger vs Supercars however are a different story.

I think the vehicles can use a very minor buff but no more than that.

Also, about new officers fucking up, that would seriously depend on the training and standards of RTU (which is up in the air right now because of Samuel wanting to adjust the PD). I do think that RTU should be much more professional when using RTU equipment, however.
^^^^^^ what Devon said. Given everyone’s feedback I think I was a bit extreme, I do agree a minor buff is needed for some cars around 10 MPH, mainly for RTU excluding the Mercedes
RTU used to have just the porsche, dont know why the got the BMW aswell and i haven't been up to date with RTU policies tbh. I'd say give the BMW a 10-20mph speed boost, but not the porsche. the porsche is fine as it is and it's practically a soccer mom car. it's not really build for high speed chases.
im usually not the kind of guy who compares IRL cars to the perp ones but watch how a cayenne performs a moose test vs a volvo xc90.
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I disagree with any police car needing a speed buff due to them already being significantly faster than a sizeable majority of other cars. On top of this, RTU corporals already get a car faster than essentially every stock car in the game.
@Sneaky they removed it for a bmw and despite the bmw being a far superior car to the Porsche cayenne both in general and as a police car, people begged for the ugly mess that was the RTU Porsche because yanno reasons.
patrol and RTU cars need more difference, the idea is RTU have better trained drivers and are the main unit to be assigned to pursuits etc, at the moment the patrol dodge charger is virtually the same top speed as bmw 340i.
  • Agree
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As Command of Traffic, here’s what I think:

I don’t think anything should be changed, it’s bad enough you kids with 2 million+ cars can’t handle getting away from cops and somehow crash? Same goes for some of our own officers who can’t work together to bring those cars down. Of course I’d recommend training and as some people have mentioned that driving training.

The BMW shouldn’t be changed since it’s lack of speed but good handling, acceleration and drifts balance out with the charger in every

The cars are fine as they are.
a good case of blame the driver, not the car

cops just want to drive fast all the time without even thinking of slowing down near heavily populated areas just leading into more crashes, coordinate yourselves and its ez game
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