Buildings you would like to see repurposed?

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In this thread we discuss buildings on the map and if there current purpose is really necessary.

To keep it short and brief, I'm going to be discussing a few properties that aren't ever used.

McQuwes is a lovely part of the map that enables more Roleplay. Unfortunately, it is rarely used at all, let alone for its intended purpose. Maybe enabling the hidden room on the side to be opened by people who own or have keys to it so it can be used for growing or other RP Purposes? It seems people are bored of the idea of actually using it full stop to be honest. Maybe it could just be completely banished from the properties list and be turned into the business Fredys?
Ol' Stool:
Seems pointless really: A chair shop located next to a furniture shop. Maybe this could be removed and replaced with either a purchasable property (which would require a map change) or made to sell other things. For example, Having a clothing shop in the city where most new players hang around would be a great idea. It could be repurposed into another Ragnatech. Alternatively it could be made into a completely new shop.

What properties do you think could do with a major rework or repurpose?
Suburbs park could be downsized and turned into a modern flat maybe? or an appartment building like Evocity has with a park around it. it looks like a sad, abandoned creepy area that needs a little touch of millenial shit
I'd like to see an apartment block there that's got a different layout to all other apartments with a more Motel-Like layout.
Regals is a ghost town lately. Perhaps reverting it so it can be as popular as slums as it used to.
The whole server used to base here...... now it’s a ghost tower. (Please don’t beat me for this)
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@Yaseen the thing is I was legit about 6 when I played that mission and I still remember the exact movement the camera made when he said it lmao
Instead of removing McQuwes allow it to have interactable tills, in which you can enter prices and set a price which people can pay via. card just by pressing E and confirm. Introduce a second window for the drive-thru allowing you to collect your order. A working speaker would be nice.

Introduce usable stoves and more food to be cooked. Possibly even having small bags which you can use to store multiple small items (burger, drink, fries etc. in one bag). Reduce seating area and have 2 four seats and the rest two seaters. Move the premium chest to behind the counter. Ensure McQuwes is a unique experience and keep it purchaseable, you must be buddies with property access to use the tills. Allow users to create a menu using an interface and allow users to select items from an interface.

Basically, make it a McDonald's instead of something that gets used for fuck-knows nothing.

Regals; make the change so it's a fire exit rather than an entrance. You can only get down from the exit not go up. Make this the same for the Office.

Ol' stool is a nostalgic building. keep it. it's nice.
Agree on the part for McQuwes it only collects dust or occupied by people that are growing but are always frightened either by hearing cars, people running by or are in a constant state of fear that people will recognize that Mcquwes is owned. Simply adding more features I feel wouldn't add more to the desolate waste that it has become. Refurbishing it to become a more elegant Freddies could regenerate the great popularity it once had, but for how long will it hold?
I'd like the building infront of the hospital, at the parking lot to be usable.
Idk about you but I'd like some new more detailed apartments added, because it just got kinda stale, no new properties to own.
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pUFFER Mart is hardly used now, maybe change that into something. Not sure what.

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