Bulk cooking fish machine: Paralake Industrial revolution episode 1.

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Cooking fish can be a pain in the arse. You can only fit so many on top of the stove and sometimes they just fall off. You could just surround a stove with fish on the floor to combat this issue however doing so just looks like shit and makes fish harder to reach.

Using this simple build however, you can cook up to 40 fish at once! (you'll burn some though if you aren't careful)

Here's a guide on how to make and use this machine with maximum efficiency!


To make this machine all you really need is a chain link fence and a stove but using my construction method leads to maximum efficiency. I used a refrigerator and a plastic crate as a staircase to reach the fish without the need to jump.

Parts required to make my design:
- 1x stove.
- 2x Thin barricades.
- 1x short chain link fence.
1x fridge
1x Plastic crate (Any colour)

How to use the machine with maximum efficiency and minimal burnt fish:
- Cook 15 fish at once, making sure you'll have more food slots to pick them up quickly.
- When placing the fish, place each fish in intervals of 3-5 seconds between each dropped fish. This will give you plenty of time to pick them up as they cook 1 by 1 without risking burning any.
- Spread them out in single file lines, this makes them easier to pick up without picking up an uncooked fish.

I spent a portion of the night experimenting with different options, and found out that:
- Its possible to, if you are quick enough, To place another 15 fish on the machine alongside the 15 already here with little risk of burning any fish, meaning you could in theory cook 300 fish in 10 minutes using this method!
- It would also be possible to remove and replace the stove when the fish are cooked to prevent them burning.

Large scale production could also be pulled off by upscaling this machine with multiple chain fences and stoves. Morons shipping co could be converted into a fishery using this method, and is the most ideal property to turn into a fish processing plant given its near the pub and a fishing spot.

So this is how to turn 1 fence and 1 stove into a literal grilling machine.​
Now there are more sources for fish smells in paralake, thanks Benjamin!
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can you physgun the ''heating plate'' fence to tip it off the heating bit so it doesnt cook into a hopper /storage thing ??