Server Suggestion Burglary Mission

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Suggestion Title: Burglary Mission
Suggestion Description: I recently saw a denied post about how it's boring to not get much crime to do. I think this idea will help but further discussion is a must to get past the obstacles like overstressing the police force.

The idea is

The player goes to the DD face to face and asks them for a house robbery job, saying "Got any errands I can run?" or something. Alternatively this can be started via Dark Web mission now that that is a thing.

He tells you to wait and then 5 minutes later he texts you a randomly selected *unowned* property and the kicker is you cannot go there armed. He explains he doesn't want the job to cause too much noise so he can maximize profit. Unlike the bank which is 1 target and a 1-off thing. A maximum of up to 4 people can join on this job.

The player once they are notified of this selection will be given a randomly selected and "randomly" generated reward. The reward itself is randomly selected is what I mean but also the greatness of the reward for example whether you get 1 weed seed or 10 is based on luck similar to gambling and you'd have to be a bit more on the lucky side to get 24.

These items are:

between 100-5,000$ in "stolen cash" (this item in RP is real money and i will explain later why)

between 2-10 weed seeds

between 2-3 cocaine leaves

between 2-5 cocaine seeds

between 2-10 ephedrine.

Additionally if possible a cool aspect could be that they can take furniture and items they weren't instructed to take like that's precisely placed in the houses which are unowned when the mission starts. The spawn rate for the category of item is based on it's value, the quantity of the item is an even split.

1-2 TVs
(example, the chance your house will have a TV is 20%, if it does it's a 50/50 whether it has 1 or 2)

1-3 chairs
(example, the chance your house will have a chair is 75%, if it does it's a 30/30/30 whether it has 1 or 2)

1-2 tables

1-5 water bottles

1 watermelon (if they're lucky it spawns and is the only special case where it is a 5% chance for it to spawn)

1-2 beds.

When the user collects all this items, they will evacuate without police attention and deliver the items to the DD.. OR they can run off and they will lose -100 Org XP and keep the items to themselves and the DD will not talk to them or buy from their org for 10 minutes.

Once the DD receives these items though he will pay the criminals 50% of the proceeds to the guy delivering the stolen item. If multiple are holding stolen items he will just take it and give half of what he got back as final income to the criminal. The organization also receives +150 org xp for doing this

Prevention measures, after effect, cooldown:

To prevent this from overwhelming cops I think maybe a 10 minute universal cooldown on each robbery meaning one cannot do it if another group just did it less than 10 minutes ago to prevent too much crime and allow the crim groups to assert dominance over the DD spot so they can be the ones to claim the mission by kicking out any unwanted visitors and the kicker is if cops pull up, they already have an advantage. All they need to do is catch the criminals. This sparks more High Speed Chases and until the criminals drop off the goods, they are not able to equip guns otherwise the DD will not take the items.

If the criminals use guns at any point the DD will know and they will not be able to deliver the items and will be punished as if they stole the items too losing them org XP but keeping them the stolen items.

Why should this be added?:
+ In depth crime job that doesn't involve shooting and more so smash and grabbing.
+ Good priority for the raid cooldown to pass by faster than just afking on youtube while your drugs grow or stealing a car for no income other than +50 org xp
+ Thought out so it doesn't overwhelm police
+ Involves ORG VS ORG or criminals on criminals rp before the mission even is claimed
+ grows more conflict between criminals
+ Allows for RTU to respond to more traffic related incidents if you're bored of dying in a raid with a highlighter vest instead of no vest or sitting at business street with a speed trap.
+ Allows for TFU to respond to the gang conflicts over the cooldown that break out at the DD spot.
+ Allows Patrol to hold off the DD spot with coordon, causing criminals to dread those who burglarize and sparking more conflict maybe making some groups opt to camping the DD more.
+ Stabilized as much as possible by me but numbers can be tuned by Devs or changed according to popular opinion so it makes more people happy and satisfied
+ Good way for orgs to gain org XP org
+ Good way for crims to acquire drugs or items without risking their lives.
+ Noob friendly because if a new player somehow manages to get the mission they will most likely make a great income to them out of it.

What negatives could this have?:
- Cooldown might be too low or too much?
- Percentages and rewards might be too much or too little?
- XP loss and gain might be too much or too little?
- Not enough drops or too many drops?
- New groups who want to sell at DD will be struggling to sell to the DD if there is a crime there, similar to how new players already get gunned down for blindly walking into a 211-A or a raid at slums drooling over dropped guns.

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